12: I'm Not Okay

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Sierras P.O.V.

I opened my eyes to complete darkness. Everybody was asleep and I was in Patricks lap.

What time is it?

I pulled out my phone and checked the time.

2:00 am!!!!

I had to be home at 11!!!!

I got off Patrick and went into his room to get my bag. I grabbed my bag and ran outside to find it snowing again.

"Shit." I groaned.

I quickly zipped up my sweatshirt and trudged through the knee deep snow.

It is fucking creepy out here. I don't know if you'd had to walk a 15 minute walk in the middle of a blizzard at 2 am but of you have, you know how I feel.

I finally got to the sidewalk and sighed a little. A car would pass by me every few minutes and they would fling slush from the road onto me. It was fucking cold. I was wearing a sweatshirt over a tank top and skinny jeans. I was freezing.

After a few minutes of freezing my ass off and getting covered in snow I got to my house.

I slowly walked in to find it pitch black besides Dave and my mom sleeping on the couch with the TV on a creepy murder mystery show.

I cursed at them under my breath and climbed the stairs to my bedroom. I threw my bag on my bed and grabbed a tank top and some fluffy black pants for PJs.

I shuffled into the bathroom and went in, shutting the door behind me, and turning the shower on to its hottest setting. I peeled of my soaked clothes and stepped into the hot shower. The hot water spilled down my back, making me tingle at the warmth. I smiled a little and stretched my arms.

After I was clean, I dried off and pulled on my PJs with my slightly damp beanie.

Hey, I'll still wear it.

I crept down the stairs and silently tip toed into the kitchen. I quickly grabbed a water bottle, shuffled into the kitchen and pressed the power button on the TV. The whole room was engulfed in darkness.

I tip toed out of the living room and up the stairs to my room. I plopped myself on the bed and pulled the blanket over me. I let out a sigh and stared at the ceiling.

I can't stop thinking about how much Patrick cares about me.

Patrick is like my brother, he's just, amazing...

I heard my phone vibrate on the bedside table.

I picked it up to see I had a text from Brendon.

B~ Where r u?

S- Home, had to leave at 11

B~ Kk night bro :*

S- Night bro :*

I put my phone back and turned around so I was facing the wall and let out a sigh.

Suddenly my door crashed open, clearly making a dent in the wall, causing me to jump backwards into my headboard.


He had a belt in his left hand with a broken bottle in his right.

" WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HOME 3 HOURS LATE!?!?!" he screamed in my face, his breath smelling of alcohol.

"I fell asle-"



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