1: Me & You

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Sierra's P.O.V.

I stopped in my tracks and eyes the swarm of people racing in the hallway.

I just transferred from Cape Cod, MA, to Chicago for my first day of high school.

Everybody glanced at me like I was a pile of trash in the middle of the hallway. It's not like I'm any different. All the people have piercings and dyed hair.

I have dark brown hair with red tips, I'm wearing a all black sweatshirt, white skinny jeans, neon green converse and a black beanie.

All normal.

I walked along the wall of lockers avoiding all people.

I have to get to my first class, History.

My pace got faster as I approached the classroom. I suddenly was shoved into the lockers.

I slowly slid down as I realized the person who pushed me was a tall girl with jet black hair and a TON of piercings. Her eyes were a deep brown like almost black. She was wearing black make up so she looked like a freaking skeleton.

"Freak." She said kicking my side very hard.

"Sorry," I quickly sat up.

"Were you trying to steal my boyfriend?"

"What no!" I slowly backed into the lockers as she pinned me to them by the neck.

"Then why did you walk past him like you own the place?!" She gripped my neck tighter.

"I swear-I didn't!" I choked out.

"LEXI!!!" A voice screamed slapping her shoulder.

Lexi let go and I slid to the ground with barley any vision.

"Stop! You can't just choke people for walking past your boyfriend!!!" They screamed in her face.

"What are you gonna do about it fatty?" She crossed her arms.

"Just go away." They said strictly. She mumbled something under her breath which sounded like a death threat and walked off.

"You okay?" They held out a hand and I slowly took their hand.

Then I got my first look at my savior. He was a bigger kind of kid with dorky glasses and caramel colored hair. He was wearing red sweater with black jeans and black converse.

"Y-yea, just a little dizzy." I gripped my forehead and slowly stood up with his assistance.

"I'm Patrick," He smiled. It was a warm and friendly smile.

"Sierra," I smiled back.

"So what's your first class?" he asked still smiling.


"Me too!" We smiled at each other and shuffled down the hallway to our first class.

Me & You ((Patrick Stump))Where stories live. Discover now