7: Where Did The Party Go?

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Roxie'S P.O.V.

(Trigger Warning: Self Harm. I was 11. I'm so sorry.)

Everybody around the fire froze, except Hayley who sat there laughing her ass off.

"WHAT?!?!" Lexi screamed in Hayley's face.

"Roxie, will, kiss, Pete," She laughed popping the p in Pete.


"It's a dare, I gotta do it," He said shrugging.

"YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS!!!" She growled turning to me.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!!!!" She screamed in my face.

"They have to kiss," Hayley mumbled playing with her bracelet.


"SHE'S NOT A WHORE!!!" Hayley screamed back standing up.

"You don't have to protect me Hails, I'll just go," I whimpered running inside into the living room.

I sat on the couch and buried my head into my hands.

You're a fucking whore. Pete has a girlfriend you slut. He'll never love you.

I slammed my hand on my forehead several times whimpering each time.

You're a failure to the world. You're a fucking idiot.

"No!" I yelled hitting my head harder.

You're fat and ugly. No one likes you. You are a fucking slut ass bitch.

"SHUT UP!!!" I screamed punching myself in the head.

I was so busy punching myself I didn't even notice that someone had sat next to me.

"What?" I asked in a pissy tone.

"I thought you needed comfort," I heard a familiar voice say.


"Pete?" I asked backing away.

"Yup, Lexi cooled down, she's in the front yard smoking to calm herself, Sierra said we could do the dare in here," He smiled.

"O-okay,"I whispered as he brought himself closer to me.

Sierra's P.O.V.

I walked into the house to see what Pete and Roxie were doing when I realized they were kissing.

"Doing the dare huh?" I asked leaning against the wall smirking.

Pete quickly pulled away,

"Yep! Now we'll be going into the back yard!" Pete said quickly.

"We were gonna come watch a movie in here because the mosquitos are everywhere," I said fidgeting with my hands.

Awkward silence.

"I'll go get everybody," I said breaking the silence.


Once we were all settled, me, Patrick and Gerard on the couch, Roxie and Hayley on the HUGE leather chair, Pete cuddling with Lexi on one of the mattresses, while Spencer, Brendon and Frank were lying on 2 other mattresses, we got into our PJ's and watched a really funny comedy movie.

We laughed at the funny parts and towards the end I remember drifting off to sleep.


My eyes fluttered open and I yawned a little watching the play screen play over and over again.

I then realized I was in the most awkward position EVER.

I was on the floor with Gerard, but he was spooning with me, and his arms and legs were wrapped around me with his head nuzzled into my shoulder.

"Shit," I mumbled trying to move but his strong grip would not let me go.

"Baby... Just let me..." Gerard mumbled in his sleep moving his hips weirdly.

"Fucker." I laughed and heard voices from the kitchen.

I managed to bend my neck in the weirdest way so I could see into the kitchen.

Lexi was pinning Roxie against the wall, saying the meanest fucking things to her.

I managed to get away from Gerard by wiggling a lot and I crawled over to the chair and tapped Hayley.

"What?" She mumbled.

"Look in the kitchen." She sat up a little and joined me on the floor.

We crawled to a place where we could see them but they couldn't see us ad we observed.

Lexi was quiet yelling and slapping her between insults.

"You whore!"


"What makes you think you can kiss Pete?! Huh?"


"Lexi, please, it was a dare,"

"Shut up!"


"I'm going to bed, don't get any ideas," Lexi growled throwing her onto the ground.

Lexi went to cuddle with Pete while Roxie scurried into the bathroom with a small bag.

"C'mon," I said pulling her arm.

We opened the door to see Roxie with a blood covered blade with cuts all over her wrists, bruises on her face, neck and arms, and she had cut x's into her legs.

I gasped and we hugged her tightly.

She began to sob quietly into my shoulder as she dropped the blade onto the floor.

"You guys, I'm sorry," She cried into my shoulder.

"It's okay, Rox, it's okay," Hayley whispered.

"But first," Hayley mumbled.

"This, is getting thrown away," She said grabbing the blade.

"There's more," Roxie said pointing to the bag on the floor.

Hayley picked it up and dropped the bag and the blade into the trash can.

"You, clean up, then go to bed," I said hugging her one last time.

"Mhmm," She mumbled as we left the room.

As we were walking out we met up with Pete.

"What's happening?" He asked with concern in his eyes.

"Just go in there," I said gesturing to the door.

Pete's P.O.V.

I slowly opened the door to see Roxie washing blood off her arms.

"W-what?" I asked with shock in my voice.

"You won't believe me, but Lexi did this, see these?" She asked showing me the scars on her arms and stomach along with bruises and cuts on her legs and stomach.

"What?" I asked in disbelief.

"She called me a whore, and a slut, and a bitch, and millions of other worse things,"

"Roxie, I-I love you,"


"I love you Roxie, I hate Lexi, how dare she do this to you, I will break up with her, I don't care what she thinks." He said cupping my face with his hand.

The next thing I knew, we were kissing.

Sierra's P.O.V.

Hayley and I got into the living room and went to our old spots, but I went to the couch and lied next to Patrick with my head on the opposite side of his.

A few minutes later, Pete and Roxie came out, holding hands, and they lied on the floor together and made out for like 20 minutes.

It seems gross but I think it's adorable.

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