17: Looking Up

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(TW: Self harm again bc 11 year old me was fucked)

Sierra's P.O.V.

Gerard finally pulled away, and I smiled at him.

"Yes," I giggled hugging him.

He smiled and placed a small kiss on my cheek.

I blushed and pulled him to the garage to tell Patrick.

I hopped down the step, Gerard following, and looked for the green eyed boy.

I weaved through the crowd and Patrick was nowhere to be seen.

I bumped into Andy, and asked him if he'd seen Patrick.

"Yea, he left." He replied.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

Why would he leave without telling me?

I pulled out my phone and texted him.

To: Tricky Poo <3

Why'd you leave? :(

He responded after a few seconds.

From: Tricky Poo <3

I went home because I felt like I was gonna throw up

To: Tricky Poo <3

Aww, feel better Pattycakes! <3

From: Tricky Poo


What? He always puts a heart at the end of our conversations! Maybe he just forgot. I worry too much.

I stuffed my phone in my pocket and smiled at Gerard.

I'm glad he's happy.


It's been a few weeks since I've been with Gerard, and Patrick hasn't spoken a single word to me. I feel like he hates me now. He doesn't respond to my texts, answer my calls, or even look at me. Every time I try to talk to him, he just sits there, like I'm not even there.

I miss him.

Patrick's P.O.V.

I miss Sierra so much.

I just can't forgive her for what she did to me, she broke my heart.

All I do is sit in my room and cry my eyes out, cut my wrists, then cry some more.

Sierra means everything to me.

I just want to hug her so hard and tell her how much I love her. But I can't. Gerard had to take her away from me.

My mom and dad are at work, which leaves me on the couch, watching Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles by myself. Sierra used to love watching this with me...

Yet another tear dropped from my eyes, I think it's around tear number five hundred billion, I should say, which is kinda depressing.

I felt a buzz from the cushion next to me, which was my phone showing the words,

1 new message from: Petey

Me Joe, and Andy are coming over, be there in a min. And no making us leave. We are gonna cheer you up.

I sighed and dropped my phone next to me.

Well fuck.

I wiped the tears of my face and quickly threw my Metallica, Pink Floyd, Guns n Roses, and Alice In Chains bracelets on, hiding my cuts.

There was a faint knock on the door and Pete walked in, Andy and Joe following.

"Hey," I said in a raspy voice.

"Hey bud, how you holding up?" Joe asked sitting next to me and putting his arm around my shoulders.

"Bad." I said sniffling.

"Dude it's okay just try not to think about it," Andy said giving me a quick and warm smile.

"But I can't, Sierra means everything to me, I love her so much," I sobbed into Joe's shirt.

"Shh... it's okay Pat," He said rubbing my back.

I pulled away and noticed I had gotten tears on his shirt.

"Sorry," I apologized.

He said it was okay and I looked over at Pete, who was being awfully quiet.

Over all the talking, I totally forgot my songbook was on the table. And Pete was going through it.

"Pete!" I yelled snatching it from him.

"What? These are really good!" He yelled.

"Really?" I asked him.

"Yea dude, guys read it," He said forcing me to give it to Joe and Andy.

They quickly read it and their mouths dropped open.

"See?" Pete asked.

"Wow." They said in sinc.

I blushed and look at the floor.

"We could like, start a band." Joe said smiling.

"I got my bass," Pete said shrugging.

"I can play some guitar," Joe said thinking hard.

"I can play drums," I offered and got a weird look from Andy.

"I can drum too!" Andy said.

"Patrick, you're a pretty sweet singer dude,"

"Nah, I'm not," I said still looking down.

"Dude you sing in your sleep, in the shower, to Sierra," Pete taunted me.


"Do it."


"Do. It."

"Just do it Patrick."


"Please? For us?"

"Mmm... fine." I agreed meanly.

"Yes!" They all yelled. I raised my eyebrows and smiled, earning a hug from Joe.

"Now, names?" Andy asked.

We all thought hard, until one name stood out.

"How about, Fall Out Boy," Joe said looking determined.

"Awesome." I agreed and everybody nodded.

I feel this is the beginning of something huge.

Very huge.


It's been about a month, and this band thing is going great, we're making our first album and are looking for a record deal to take us. I think we could get far with this.

And It keeps me from thinking about Sierra, I still cut and cry once in a while, but if she's happy with Gerard, I won't interfere.

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