2: There's A Story At The Bottom Of This Bottle

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Sierras P.O.V.

We walked side by side into the classroom.

There was all kinds of people, emo, dorky, shy and one girl was freaking rainbow.

I slowly walked into the room, Patrick next to me.

Everybody stared and I heard a few, "Is that the new girl?" and "is that Patricks girlfriend" and "she could do better"s.

I found a seat with Patrick on my left, a girl with bright orange hair on my right, a dude with black longish hair in front of me, and the dude behind me had pitch black hair and black eyeliner talking to a girl with blonde hair with green streaks.

"I'm going to the ladies room, ill be back in a few." Mrs. What's her face said walking out of the room.

Patrick turned to me.

"So, I want to introduce you to my friends," He leaned over and tapped the emo dudes desk behind me to get his attention.( he had earbuds in) he looked up and took out his headphones.

"Hm?" He asked raising his eyebrows.

"Pete, This is my friend Sierra," I smiled and he smiled back.



Pete leaned over and whispered something to Patrick. He blushed majorly.

"NO! My god every time..." Patrick face palmed making me and Pete giggle.

"Anyway," He said still blushing.

" Sierra, These are my friends, Brendon (Urie, the dude with longish black hair), Hayley (Williams, the girl with bright orange hair), and Roxie (The girl with blonde and green hair)."

They all smiled.

"Hey, I'm Sierra." I smiled back.

"You dating Patrick?" Brendon asked smirking.

I blushed.

"No, I met her like half an hour ago, she's new here." Patrick blushed even more.

"Pat likes her no doubt."Pete pointed out.

"Shut up Pete." Patrick said annoyed.

"Hey Sierra, me, you and Roxie should hang tomorrow, you know, have girl time." Hayley suggested.

"Sure!" I smiled.

"Sounds like a plan!" Roxie said cheerfully.


All my classes were normal throughout the day until last period...

I was sitting in the front row of English watching the teacher. I sat next to Roxie so I wasn't very lonely.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and saw a crumpled up note on the floor.

I quickly picked it up and de-crumpled it.

It read,

You better watch your back bitch, Pete is mine, and if you try and take him, you're dead
XOXO, Lexi

My mouth dropped open. I barely know Pete! All I've said to him is like hi what is her problem! I shoved the note in my desk and tried to clear it out of my thoughts.

The rest of the day was normal besides Lexi's death threats but otherwise fine.


I got on my bus and slowly sat down taking a deep breath.

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