the elevator

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|| the elevator |FINN WOLFHARD| ||


y/n and her friends were on vacation in Seattle
they were staying in one of the most popular hotels of the entire city.

there already stayed celebrities like: Beyoncé, Rihanna, Sarah Paulson, Nicole Kidman, Ariana Grande, Billie Eilish, etc.

it was Azul's birthday, one of y/n's friends, and it was summer so they wanted to do something special for her.

y/n called Azul's boyfriend to come.
he accepted and he appeared two hours before the surprise.

however, the surprise didn't go as they planned.
Azul got cheated on by her boyfriend.
they found him in their room with the hotel receptionist in bed.

after that, Azul was nowhere to be found.
they looked everywhere and they couldn't find her.

"dude, that son of a bitch, i'm gonna kill him when we get home" spoke y/n, angry for what just happened.

"okay, everybody calm down, we looked everywhere and we didn't find her" said Ava taking off her jacket.

"wait, we didn't look everywhere and i know where we can find her" said Mathew
"where?" asked all the girls at the same time
"the elevator" he smiled

they run to the elevator and waited for it to get to the second floor.
"god, this is taking forever dude" whispered
y/n, being the impatient person she was.

"it's here"
they all stood in front of the elevator's door as they waited for it to open.
they found her, but not just her.

"Azul!!" they run to her
"babe, are you okay? are you hurt?" said Emily as she looked at her friend sitting on the floor.

she nodded and sniffled "i'm okay"
"son of a bitch, he's a fucking dick, i mean, come on, with the receptionist?, nah" said y/n as she stood up from the floor.

she did notice that in the elevator was more people than just them but she didn't say anything.
"okay, stand up, we're going to bed" y/n grabbed one of Azul's arm and Ava grabbed the other one.
"i don't want to" Azul started crying
"no no no, don't cry don't cry" said y/n trying to keep the girl up

and there stood the six boys and the one girl.
"what the fuck just happened?" asked Jack not knowing how to react
"i don't even know, the girl was already here when i got in" answered Jeremy
"are you guys dumb or something? the girl obviously got cheated on and her friends were helping her, it's not that difficult" Sophia said and rolled her eyes.

they were going to their floor but the elevator's door was stopped by a foot.
"hey" she smiled nicely
"hi" Sophia answered with another smile

"um sorry to ask, i don't want to get in some business that is not mine but, is she okay?" asked Jaeden
"who? Azul?" y/n asked back
Jaeden nodded

"um actually no, she just got cheated by her boyfriend on her birthday so..." y/n said
"oh my god, are you serious?" Sophia asked
y/n nodded "he's a dick, i never liked him"

"not surprised" said Finn not taking his gaze out off the girl
"yeah, we just wanted to do a surprise for her and i called him because she wanted him here, and he did that, i just kinda think it's my fault" y/n looked down

"girl it's not, you didn't know this was gonna happen" Sophia walked over to her
"yeah but still" y/n said

"well, this is my stop" y/n said as she saw the doors opening
"it's mine too"
"i'll see you guys tomorrow" said Finn walking out with the girl

"i stop here" she pointed to her room
"i stop here too" he smiled, pointing to the room that was in front of hers
"is that your room?" she asked smiling
he nodded
"cool" she smiled and nodded

Finn wanted to do it but he wasn't too sure
"um i'm not use to do this but, could you maybe give me your number? i mean, only if you want to, i just think your really pretty and cool" he scratched his neck
she giggled "i would love to give you my number..."
"i would love to give you my number Finn" she repeated smiling


"mommy!" her 2 y/o daughter said as she entered the kitchen
"hey bubba!, how was today?"
"she told me it was good" her husband smiled entering behind her

"grandma Mary told me how you and daddy met" she smiled looking up to her mom 
"and what did you think?" she asked picking her up as she looked at Finn smiling
"i think is cute" she hugged her mom as she giggled

"bubba" she said as she hugged her daughter back
"my girls" Finn whispered as he approached them to be in the hug too

"am i going tomorrow to grandma's too?" the little girl said
"tomorrow you are going to stay with us and if you want to, we can go visit both grandmas, what do you think?" said Finn picking her up
"yes!!! so tomorrow i'm spending time with Mason!"

"dad, put me down, i'm going to the bathroom"
"okay baby" he smiled and put his daughter down

the little girl got out of the kitchen running and made her way to the bathroom
"so, tomorrow your brother is going as i see"
y/n asked as she kissed him
he sighted "yes"
"have you talked to him already?" y/n put her arms around Finn's neck.

you see, Nick and Finn got into a really big fight on Christmas and they haven't talk to each other since then.
they didn't use to get in a lot of fights but when they did it was always big ones.

"i called him yesterday but he didn't pick up" Finn said looking down at y/n
"do you want me to call him?"
he nodded

"hey y/n! what's up? you caught me driving!"
"hey nick! so, today we told Sasha that we were going to visit your mom again tomorrow and she told us that Mason was going too"

"um yeah! he asked me to go to my mom's and i said yes, i guess he told Sasha"

there was a silence
"and i know why you're doing this, and i know that Finn is next to you and i know he is listening so Finn... i'm very sorry for everything that i said to you i wasn't in my best moment with Emma and i put it out on you, i'm sorry baby bro"

y/n smiled at Finn
"it's fine, it just really hurt me because i love you too much to be angry with you, you asshole"

nick laughed
"same here, so... i'll see you two tomorrow, let's just have dinner at mom's"
"that's great with me"  y/n smiled even though Nick couldn't see her

"okay, well, bye! love you both so much!!"
and he hang up

"why would i do without you my love?" Finn put his arms around her waist
"i don't know, not having Sasha for sure" she smirked
he laughed at her comment and kissed her forehead


words: 1235

i liked this one !
and as always, stay safe! 🤍
- A, xoxo

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