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Cole and I went to the supermarket to buy some stuff to make dinner

"what are we doing for dinner anyway?" I asked getting out of the car
"I don't know dude, how about pasta with some cheese?"
"oh yeah, that sounds good!" I said putting my gloves on

Covid-19 hasn't been easy for anyone and things got worse in the lasts two weeks
so in Canada, we have to wear masks and gloves to go to the supermarket

as we were entering i looked at my left and there she was
the most beautiful girl i've ever seen, even tho she was wearing a mask
she didn't realized i was looking at her so i just kept walking

"hey dude, grab that for me" i said to Cole
I'm tall, but Cole is another level man
he's like 6.2, like, that's a lot

"hey guys, excuse me, but i have to put this in there, if you could just move a little so i can, you know" the girl that i saw before said to us as she pointed to the shelves

she was a lot smaller that me, so i had to look down to look at her in the eyes

"yes, of course, we're done here so yeah" said Cole smiling
you could tell for his eyes

"thank you!" she smiled back

we moved a little so she could put the stuff in their place
we weren't that far tho, we were just 8 feet's apart

as i was placing the chips bags in the shelves someone touched my arm

I turned around to find a girl around my age
"hey, can you help me with something?"
"yes, of course!" I replied nicely

"so um, I was looking for the ice creams but I can't find them" she said looking down
"oh, um they are in the hall 7, in front of the yogurts" I said pointing at the hall in front of us
"oh, thank you!"
"you're welcome" I replied as she walked away and continued to put the bags

5 minutes later:
"hey! you! the girl with the blue t-shirt!" I looked at my right and I saw the same girl coming at me

"yes?" I asked looking at her
" 'your help' didn't help me!" she said in a very loud tone on my face
"hey, you need to calm down, I'm right in front of you, I can hear you" I said
she looked at me and sighed in disbelief
"how you dare to talk to me like that?" she asked like a 5 year old little girl
"the audacity" I whispered
"you were the one that came to me screaming" I continued

"I'm gonna get you fired girl" she said walking away
"luck with that" I said to my self
but she heard
"do you think I'm not capable of that!!??"
"no comments" I said grabbing a pack of Pringles and putting it on it place

"look, if you didn't like my help, you could just get another person to help you, you didn't need to come at me screaming, and all the hall listening and watching, like, is so unnecessary" I said not turning around

she didn't say anything and she started to walk away with her two boxes of ice cream in her hands

"wow, you handle that well" said a male voice behind me
"I'm use to deal with Karen's like her, and she's only my age, like, who is a Karen with eighteen years old?" I said getting up, since i was on my knees

"wait, you're eighteen, I though you had more" said the tall boy
I laughed "no, I'm eighteen, sorry for disappoint you" I said as I started to push the trolly

4 hours later:

"oh! hey!" I said as I saw the same boys of the supermarket walking to me

"hey!" the curly-brow-haired boy said

he was wearing a pair of black jeans, a brow jacket and a white t-shirt
"wanna eat dinner with us?" he asked
"um... sure, I don't have any plans so"
"cool" a blonde-haired boy said


"soo... Finn told us what happened at the supermarket?" Nick said

"um yeah, I didn't care that much, I handled it pretty well, I'm use to deal with Karen's like her every day" she laughed as did us

"you're hilarious, honestly" said Cole

"well guys, it was nice to eat dinner with you, i was going to eat dinner alone if you didn't invite me" said y/n getting up from the chair
"oh, you live alone?" I asked
"yes, and i work at the supermarket so i can pay college"
"oh god, and when do you study?" asked Quincy
"at night, or the days i don't work"
"admirable" I replied

I looked at her and she smiled at me

2 years later:

"Cole! Can you help me with that box?"

"yes Finn! I'm coming!" said Cole getting out of the car

y/n and I started dating a year and a half ago
3 moths after the day of the supermarket
and now here I am, moving to her apartment

she asked me if I wanted to live with her,
and, of course, I said yes

21:45 a.m.:

"hey guys!" she said closing the door behind her
"hey babe, how was your day?" I asked walking out of the kitchen and kissing her cheek
"I'm so tired" she said

she works a lot so she can pay college
so I thought it was a good idea that I paid for her
since I have some money on my money box
I could help her pay college

"hey y/n, can we talk?"
she looked at me with a scared face
"no no no!! it's none of that!" I said because I knew exactly what she was thinking
"thank god" she whispered

we went to the kitchen and sat on the table
"I was thinking - oh god" she cut me off
"so funny... anyway, I was thinking and I want to pay college for you"
"oh no no, you're not doing that" she said getting up grabbing her water bottle

"y/n, you need to study in the daylight, not under the moonlight, let me help you"
she thought about it for a moment, me doing baby face
"I can't say no to that face" she said before kissing me

"I love you" she said
"I love you more y/n"
she's the love of my life

//words: 1110//

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