cheated and forgive

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y/n got out of her car and grabbed her keys from her bag

finn was not home so she was all alone
finn worked a lot, he was a director so she couldn't complain, even tho she didn't spend so much time with him like she used to

they were in love
she loved him
he loved her

y/n opened the door and stepped in, closing the door behind her as she placed her things down
taking off her shoes and her belt

she walked to the kitchen and started to make something for her to eat

she was cooking when she heard noises upstairs

"wasn't i alone?" she thought
she stopped doing what she was doing and walked upstairs with a knife in hand

the noise came from her bedroom
she already knew what was that noise

she walked to the door and opened it
she watched the scene

"f-finn..." the girl that was in y/n's bed place said

y/n didn't said anything
she closed the door slowly and walked back downstairs

she couldn't believe what she just saw
she didn't want to believe it

he was the love of her life
and she thought she was his too

she entered the kitchen and continued what she was doing
hearing steps running down the stairs

not looking back, she knew finn was on the kitchen door

she closed her eyes and breathed before turning around

"oh, you're here, you came home early" she said walking up to him with a smile and kissing his cheek and walking back to the kitchen counter

he closed his eyes and let out a sight
he fucked up
but she loved him to much to let him go
and he knew that

"what?" she slammed the knife on the counter
"you have something to say?" she said turning around again as she cleaned her hands

"i'm sorry... i really am, i don't know what got inside my head, i was so stupid, but we don't spend so much time together anymore, and i missed you, so much, god you have no idea"
he started to move side to side looking up and moving his hands

"i love you with my whole heart y/n, and i was so stupid thinking that another girl could replace you"

y/n relax her shoulder as she heard him talk

"and i said girl yeah, because you compared with her, are a fucking woman, you're so powerful, and i'm so into you god you have no idea, i want to marry you and have a family and kids running on the living room as you and i make dinner, and laugh with you, and kiss you, and touch you and..."

"finn..." she walked closer to him and grabbed his face
"i love you okay, and what you did was so fucked up, but please tell me it was just today, and let's keep this on the past okay?"

he looked at her and nodded
"yes y/n, it was just today"

she nodded and hugged him

"we forgive you"
"we?" he asked furrowing his eyebrows

"finn... i'm pregnant"
happy tears forming on her eyes

"what?" he whispered looking down at her, almost crying

a sad look on y/n's face
"you're not happy?" she leaned back as her voice hagen to break

"what? no no no! is not that y/n"
he walked closer to her

"i'm so happy, but i'm scared..."

she relaxed
"scared of what finn?"
"what if i'm not good enough to be a dad? what if she/he doesn't like me? what if-"

she cut him off by kissing him
"shut up finn"


words: 627

i'm FINALLY on winter break!!!

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