under the covers

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|| under the covers |FINN WOLFHARD|||

"so... we are you gonna hide?" quincy turned to
"what are you talking about?" she chuckled
"i mean... you and finn are not public yet so you can't be on the livestream" quincy looked down

"oh um... i guess i'll stay here... just... under the covers?" she stood up from the chair
"um yeah, i think that's okay" said nick


finn didn't bother on saying anything
maybe a 'dude, maybe we should just do the livestream later'
but no, he stayed quiet

i'm starting to get a little tired of this hidden relationship shit
why can we be like another couple?
oh yeah, he's finn fucking wolfhard

just good

"it's not gonna take too longer y/n, i promise" nick said sitting down

i looked at them one last time before getting into finn's bed and covering my self up
trying to not be seen

alex, finn, quincy and nick started the livestream as they played some game and i scrolled through instagram waiting for them to finish

remember that they said that it wasn't gonna take that long? yeah?
okay, i've been here for two hours and an half

i already got tired of my phone and since i can't move i'm just laying here

"okay, it's enough for today, thank you so much guys for being here again" i heard nick say

"y/n, you can come out"

i pulled the covers off me and got up
making my way to the door
"where you going?" finn spoke for once
i looked at him and went downstairs

"shit, someone's mad i see" i hear alex speak
i rolled my eyes and made my way to the kitchen

"hey sweetheart" mary smiled to me
god, wasn't she sweet?
"hey mary" i smiled back

"darling, what happened to your hair?" she laughed
i didn't even bother with how my hair looked
"they did a livestream, and since finn and i aren't public yet, i had to hide under the covers" i explained

"what do you mean 'under the covers'?"
"yeah you know, i got into his bed and pulled the covers so the fans wouldn't see me on camera"
"oh my god, and they thought that there wasn't a better place to 'hide'?"
i nodded as an answer

we talked a little bit more until she had to go to work and the boys came down

"hey" nick greeted
i, obviously, didn't respond

"dude, what is your problem?" finn said with that sassy he has
i looked up at him and raised my eyebrows
"oh shit" quincy muttered
"no no, i'll tell you what my problem is" i got up and got closer to him

"it's pathetic... PATHETIC, that you have to hide me like you're ashamed of been seen with me or something" i looked up at him
"and i don't even know why did you hide me, because i don't remember you guys hiding ana the other day, or did you?"

nick shocked his head
"yeah, that's what i fucking thought and i get you're a celebrity finn, but i'm not liking this 'hiding everything and everyone' thing, it's getting really annoying, really"

all the time that i talked i tried to stay calm
and surprisingly, i succeeded
and, as i expected, they didn't respond

i shocked my head, scoffing
and looked at them again
"i'm going home"


words: 560

damn, it's been a while
school, you know how it is
i don't know when i'm gonna post the part two of this one, but there's gonna be one

as always, stay safe 🤍
- A, xoxo

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