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3rd person pov:


"what are you guys thankful for?" nick asked
"i'm thankful for my wife, for my family, for my friends, and i could just keep going but man..." finn answered and everyone laughed

"and you y/n?" asked mary smiling at her
"i'm thankful for my husband" she looked at finn and smiled
"i'm thankful for you guys, and for my babies"
"what... what babies?" finn looked at her

"y/n? something to tell us?" her mom asked

y/n was pregnant but she didn't tell anyone
she wanted it to be a surprise

"i'm pregnant" she smiled looking at finn
"what?" finn's smiled dropped

y/n's heart broke when she saw finn's reaction
"i'm gonna be a dad?" he asked getting up
"um y-yeah" y/n looked down at her hands

"oh my god, i'm gonna be a dad, mom did you hear that? i'm gonna have two beautiful babies"
Finn started laughing nervously

"Finn you scared me, i thought you didn't want to have the babies" y/n said hugging him
"y/n, of course i want them, i want them so bad" he smiled and hugged back

23rd, December, 2027
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
22:45 p.m.

y/n was laying on the couch with her head on Finn's lap

"i'm so excited for this" said Mary, knowing that y/n was giving birth today
"for what?" said y/n smiling
"you're gonna be a mom today or tomorrow, i'm not sure yet, i just want to meet them"

"how do you know that mom?"
"oh son, for this time, 24 years ago, you're mom had the same belly and you were inside it" Eric answered
y/n giggled

"owh!" she got up
"you okay y/n?" Quincy said getting up
"yes, it was just a kick" she said with her hand on her belly
"you sure?"

23:57 p.m.

"oh god, this is hurting so much" whispered
"y/n/n are you sure you're okay?" asked Finn grabbing her hand

"yes i- oh my god!" said y/n looking down
"her water just broke, come on they're coming" said Mary grabbing y/n's hand and walking to the car

"oh god, i'm not gonna handle it Mary, i can't, ughh" said y/n
her forehead was covering in sweat at this point
"breathe y/n, breath"
"dad, drive faster" said nick looking at the back where y/n was having the worst pain of her life

"y/n, you're doing so good, keep going" the nurse said
"i can't, oh my god, ugh" she said pushing

"push more y/n, you got this"
"AHHHHHHHHHHHH" she screamed as she squished Finn's hand

a baby cried

"good, let's get the other one" said the doctor
"push y/n, push"
"AHHHHHH I CAN'T PLEASE" she was crying

Finn's heart broke as he saw this scene
he hated when his loved one cried
but this was worth it

another baby cried

"yes, you have two beautiful babies, congratulations y/n and Finn" the nurse said holding the boy in her arms

"let's get her to the room, she needs some rest"

a while later:

"hey y/n"
"hey" she said waking up
"how are you feeling babe?" asked Finn holding her hand
"i'm good, where are they?" she said with a smile placed on her face

"they're right here" said a nurse entering the room with the two babies in her arms and giving them to y/n

y/n started to cry, but happy tears
her babies were finally here, she couldn't believe it
"they are so beautiful, they have your curls Finn"
Finn laughed, knowing that y/n was a lover of the curls, especially of his curls

Finn got closer and picked up the girl
"do you have a name for them already?" asked Caleb

"yes" y/n smiled
"tell us girl, don't make us wait like this" Orion said excited
"Sasha" y/n looked at the girl
"and alex" she looked down and the baby on her arms

"Finn loves those names" said cole picking up alex
"i know, that is the reason why i choose them"

"this is the best birthday gift ever" said Finn kissing y/n's forehead

she smiled at her husband
he smiled back


"yes bubba" y/n replied to Sasha
"when is dad coming home?"

"oh Sasha, i... i don't know when he's coming -"
y/n was cut off by the front door opening

"hey!! missed me?"
"DAD!!" the two kids run to Finn
"hey babies, how are you?"
"we missed you, mom too, she was so sad all this time" alex looked down

Finn looked up at y/n, admiring her y/e/c eyes, her y/h/c hair and her beautiful face
he loved her, and he never, ever could leave her

"i missed you" he whispered
"i missed you too" she grabbed his cheeks and kissed him

"ewww mom!!" their daughter Aubrey said
"hey to you too lovely daughter!" said Finn turning a round
"hey dad" they hugged
"how are you?"
"i missed you" a tear running down her face now
"don't cry, i'm here now" he smiled and hugged his daughter once again

"hey mom, i'm going out with Joey" Aubrey said picking up her keys
"hold on, hold on, hold on, what did i miss?" asked Finn
"Joey, her boyfriend" y/n said placing her hand on Finn's shoulder
"i want to meet him"
"daaaddd" Aubrey rolled her eyes
"okay" she opened the door
"hey Joey, come in, my dad wants to meet you"
"w-what?" the boy asked nervously

"hey joey, i'm Finn, Aubrey's dad" Finn shacked his hand
"nice you meet you sir" the boy shacked back

"you two can go now, be careful!" said y/n pushing them out of the door

"y/n, um, i was having a serious conversation with that Joey guy"
"ugh Finn, leave them alone, wasn't like that how we started?" she said looking at him

he smiled and kissed her
"i love you"
"i love you too" he answered

"you're so cliché dad" alex said from up the stairs
"hey, movie Friday night?" he asked
"you remembered!" Sasha came down running
"of course!" he smiled

y/n made popcorn and they spent the night watching Disney movies, like a happy family


words: 1100

cliché but cute

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