out of the band:

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third person pov:

"perfect y/n! i loved it" the producer said as
y/n smiled at him

"pff " finn shiged looking at y/n

y/n rolled her eyes and just took a sit next to ayla

"great, um finn your turn"
"so, what do we do? a song about something or someone or just a song with like 'no sense'?" Malcolm asked to his friends

"i don't know, maybe we should do a song about us, what do you think?" y/n suggested

"i thinks that's a good idea guys, talk about it and send me a text tomorrow with the decision, bye!" danny said as he walked out of the studio

"i don't like the idea to be honest" finn said walking into the room

"what a surprise... and why is that?" y/n asked looking at him

"because it makes no sense, why would I write a song... that would include you?" he said looking up and down at y/n

"okay that was rude finn" jack said looking at him

"and...? i don't really care"

y/n got up and grabbed her backpack and her guitar

"um, i'm leaving" she said

"no y/n, wait, stay with us" malcolm said

"no, i don't want to and i have some things to do at home" she said

"if you're just gonna be like this all the time, maybe you should just get out of the band" finn said getting up and looking at her

y/n turned around and looking straight at him in the eyes

"look, i don't really know who you think you are, but i'm not going to get out of the band, and maybe you should think before talk, don't ya think?" she said

"well, do whatever you want but i'm not doing this song" finn said sitting next to malcolm again

"that's cool with me" she said opening the door
"and grow the fuck up, asshole" she said walking out

"how can you be so stupid dude?" ayla said grabbing her things and following y/n

"i though you liked her?" asked jack

finn looked at him but didn't answer

next day:

"morning danny!" y/n walked in the studio with a smile on her face

"good morning y/n!" he smiled back at her

"they're not here yet?" y/n asked looking around the room

"um it's only finn, ayla is on her way and malcolm and jack are at the venue, they're coming later"

"oh okay" she said making her way to the room

"hey" she said when she saw finn

"oh, you're here" he said not looking up

"yeah, am i bordering you? i can get out if you want" y/n said nicely

"no, you can stay"

she furrowed her eyebrows and took at sit in the sofa

"btw, you're looking good today" he looked at her

"thanks?" she looked at him confused

hours went by and there was only the two of them

"i'm tired of waiting and it's already 8:30 pm, i'm going home, i'll see you tomorrow" she got up

"no y/n, wait" finn got up after her

"yeah?" she looked at him in the eyes

he lost himself looking at her y/c/e

"fuck it." he kissed her

she followed the kiss and then pulled away

"i-i-i'm sorry i don't know why i did tha-"
she cut him off by kissing him again

"why do you hate me so much?" she whispered

"i don't hate you y/n, is just, i really like you and i don't know how to act around you" he said

"god, i'm just so into you that i get more stupid when you're around" he added

"i'm sorry for all, really, i didn't mean to be like that" he continued and looked down

"it's okay and... i like you too finn" she said making him look at her


"yeah" she smiled

"god" he hugged her

in the background, playing the song your soul by rhodes

"you know what our song is, don't you?" he giggled

"yeah, and i love it"

she looked at him and kissed him again, but this time, more slow

i don't like this but yeah...here it is
words: 715
stay safe 💙
- A

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