An old enemy

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The girl comes and hugs Kunal. This shocks everyone to core especially Kuku. 














The in charge of Rajkot branch is SHWETA 😱

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The in charge of Rajkot branch is SHWETA 😱

Kuhu making disgusted faces and Kunal shocked: Shweta?!!

Shweta ignoring Kuhu: Yes Shweta!! Kunal! I was sooooo happy when I found out that your company had hired my company to work together.  I was going to meet you there but I wanted to surprise you. Surprise!!!!!!!!!!

Kuhu sarcastically faints and falls on Mishti: I will have to work with this chudail (witch)

Kuhu sarcastically faints and falls on Mishti: I will have to work with this chudail (witch)

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Mishti: Kuhu relax. you are overreacting. She might have changed

Kuhu looking at her flirting with Kunal: I can see that

Kunal: I am surely shocked

Shweta flirting: Kunal!! you are so funny. go settle down. we will have a meeting in an hour and tell that Kuku, Kuhu whatever her name is.

Kuhu rushes towars her ready to strangle her neck when Mishti holds her from her waist: Relax lady singham.

This reminds Mishbir about the time when Kunal and Abir had gotten fake kidnapped and how the girls were worried for them. They look at each other lovingly knowing exactly what the other person is thinking. Kuhu was too mad to acknowledge this.

Kuhu was passing Shweta and Kunal death stares. 

Amisha: Lets go the tents

This brings everyone back from their chain of thoughts. 

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