Chora Draamebaaz hain!

419 23 10

"Good morning"

Kuhu: Oh Hi good morning. up so early? 

Avni: yh had a good sleep

Kuhu raised her eyebrow cutely question

Avni: shut up.

Kuhu laughed and changed the topic: wanna go for a morning jog, there is a very beautiful trail nearby!!

Avni: Sure, would love to.

Kuhu: should we call the others?

Avni: let them sleep, they need to be awake for tonight. 

Kuhu: yes they do!!

Avni:  Kuhu, this two-day bachelorette party is such a creative idea

Kuhu smiled: honestly this came to my mind as I needed to buy more time for my colleagues to finish decoration

Avni: Its all good. Still creative!!

Kuhu: Lets go.

Avni: yh. I'll just go change

Avni changed and they both stepped out and headed to the trail.

Avni and Kuhu were enjoying the refreshing jog in the pleasant view but they were surprised seeing familiar figures.

 Kuhu: They haven't left yet!!

Avni: Oh probably because I kind of-

Kuhu: Neil..Kunal..

Kuhu was calling their names to get their attention

Kuhu: Lets go. She said as soon as Kunal and Neil paused 

Avni and Kuhu gently jogged to them

Kuhu: What are you guys doing here? Why haven't you left

Neil sarcastically: ohh don't be so happy 

Kuhu: sorry I meant isn't your bachellor over?

Neil: It is but we decided to join you all

Kuhu: Join us.

Neil: tonights party?

Kuhu confusingly: huh?

Avni: actually I kind of told him about the party and I may have invited them all too

Kuhu was surprised: I mean it is your party, your choice.. but this is one chance for you to party alone being single. Are you sure?

Avni: wouldn't have it any other way! she smiled at Neil

Kuhu: That's cute😊.. Thanks for the warning😠

Avni: sorry

Kuhu: Its ok. You told them the theme?

Avni: Yh

Kuhu: k I'll order corelating costumes

Avni: You are the best!!

Kunal: I will set up and order for bigger group

Neil: Great

Kunal: k now Lets do now what we came for!!!

Avni: yh

They all started jogging and chatting. They reached the top of trail. The view was breathtaking and everyone enjoyed the fresh air.

Soon they started going back. The whole hike tired Avni a bit as she was the one running whole time.

Kuhu: wow Avni your stamina is great

Kuku❤- family reunionWhere stories live. Discover now