Chapter 21: woman in disguise?

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The more you comment and vote the more motivation I get to write chapters!!! Thanks for your support, can't wait to begin this journey with you, more updates will be soon as I'm about to wrap up my other story after a few more chapters!!! Follow the Instagram dreamluck28!

It was a rough past few nights, the feeling of being watched making her feel trapped as she kept quiet most days. She hadn't spoken to Erich for well over a week, and it didn't sit well with her. James had started to keep watch over her and didn't trust her being alone, so now she was stuck with bodyguards by her side every minute of the day.

She could almost come up with a movie script with how unrealistic it was, did she need people watching over her? For god's sake, it was Erich blunt they were after, not her, she hadn't done shit to that two face slut. Was it wrong for her to feel joy in the fact that the bitch was six feet under? Yeah, but who gave a fuck? Cause she didn't, she didn't feel bad about it.

Maybe she was delusional, or maybe, She was in a delusion? didn't matter. It didn't matter if it was either, her head was spinning all the time, she might as well just be in a lucid dream.

Maybe that's why she sat in her office in the dark, shut off from everyone, her mind unable to get control.

She needed to be in control.

"Miss L/n, we're having some trouble on the coding, there seems to be a malfunction?" A man a few years older than her spoke, he drew her attention away from the window and looked at the man before nodding. "Alright, I'll be down in a few minutes." She spoke. If any delusional person had seen her they might have thought she looked amazing, beautiful, sexy in her disturbed look.

Her eyes were red underneath, her face pale but her features radiant. Her lips pursed together as her eyes gloomed over everything. She'd comment on how stupid they were if they complimented her, something only Erich blunt would do.

He loved the way a woman looked when they were at their worst, their eyes set with vulnerability, the way they welcomed him in, but not her. She was the opposite, she'd push him away and make snarky comments on how much of a dick he was, she'd rile him up only to build her confidence and ego, and why he'd let her do it? He didn't know.

So there they both sat there two different places and two different rooms, wondering when the other would cave in, who'd win this game they had going on, who's secret was darker than the others and which one would make it alive.

Looking back now, she saw how stupid and reckless she became just to prove herself more stable than Erich, but was she stable? Maybe, in some sense she was but she's as insane, feeling an internal itch in her head, now she sat in a courtroom with the same malicious prick she so desperately hated along with an unstable drunk who sat glancing at herewith wide eyes. Mark Strauss.

"There will be a ten-minute recess halfway through, we are gathered here to continue the murder of Cindy Strauss." the judge spoke, Y/n sat there in her black attire, her face erased of any emotion or ticks that could be seen. She sat there blank and focused on the people she was surrounded by, watching them and studying their behaviours and slip-ups to see who'd try to rule her in.

"Will the accused victims please stand, " the judge spoke, she looked around before standing next to James, she could see mark look fearfully at his lawyer before rising and looking her way once again.

Her eyes roamed to the man who brought her into this, her eyes instinctively furrowed and her lip curled into a snarl as their eyes met, the hatred she felt for this shit-bag only seemed to make her more determined to get out of this freely.

Erich had been watching her since she stepped into the room, her face looking over the people who crowded in the room to witness the "show". Her eyes lingering on everyone they passed over, her dress hugging her curves and the way she carried herself made Erich forget he was being pledged to plead his freedom.

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