Chapter 22: you're poison

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Destruction at its finest, she sat at home in sweats and a blanket thrown over her shoulders, the cold floors staining the pads of her feet with that same coldness. The reporters and paparazzi outside of her home since the day of the court, she sat alone miserable. If that fucking prick had kept his mouth shut, she wouldn't have had to be in this position, she wouldn't have to deal with the reporters asking her questions every moment she stepped out the door to work, or leave. Not to mention the outrageous rumors spreading out through media.

Headlines reading: secrets unhidden has she gone into hiding?!

With her face on the front cover. She'd laugh but she had other things to tend to then the media lines, other things like Erich blunt. His constant calls and texts blowing up her phone, you'd think he was obsessed. But he was biding his time with her, he realized she wasn't gonna answer and is keeping in the low.

The car rides were now dead silent, she couldn't stand the frustration of the music interrupting her thoughts. "Everything will dile down, stop worrying your going to cause suspicion." The voice of James spoke aloud, he was looking at his phone with narrower eyes, she guessed it was just more work problems, which was typical of James since he was never the man to put his career on hold.

"I'm not worrying, I'm thinking..." her voice fell off into a silent sigh, what the hell maybe he was right, maybe she was  just thinking too much, none of it had anything to do with her after all, so why was she worrying?

"Look, I know things are a bit out of place, but we got this, they have no case against you." James stated after a brief pause of her reply. "Right, like that'll stop those shit eating mud-brains." She laughed out in amusement.

"Can't tell you they will, but we'll continue to push against their damned cases and win." James replied almost so sure of himself that it relaxed her a bit more and soothed the rattling thoughts away.

She was getting away, she booked a room at a resort for a week, since she was trying to stay out of the press, they chose to go somewhere private where security was provided, or that's what she thought.

She watched as they pulled to the front of the resort where two men were waiting as they pulled in front of them. "Miss l/n, welcome." The man greeted. He must be the owner?

"I'm guessing your the big man around here?" She replied warmly, though there was nothing warm about her features, her stance was slouched and her eyes tired, she looked exhausted. "Actually no, that would be miss Louise, sadly she's currently away in Peru hosting an opening for a new resort she opened." He replied with a smile lingering on his lips.

"Amazing." She replied, "Yes, quite the woman she is, she actually plans on expanding this resort." He said looking at the big place.

"Quite the dreamer." She replied amused. "You gotta start somewhere Miss l/n, and I suppose this is where it started." He replied wisely, even if she didn't have the slightest clue in what he meant she nodded.

"You'll be staying in the left corner of the resort, it's where we keep our VIP guests." He replied walking them through as two burly men loaded her belongings. It was a nice resort, the beach was close by making the pungent yet comforting smell of the ocean waters waft by, the windows tinted so creepers couldn't peek through. "Here's your key, if you have any question please feel free to call the front desk." He replied warmly before walking off.

She watched as he walked away, she felt indifferent, her mood still the same.

"Isn't this nice?" James asked as his long legs carried himself ahead of her. "Sure." She replied shortly walking ahead. She could hear a sigh leave his lips but what was she to do? Drop down and cry about it? Tell the world how fucked up her life turned and she just so happened to get rich later after it?

They'd sack her.

"Someone get me her fucking room number now!" A voice yelled, of course it wasn't too hard to figure out who it was, there's only one prick who'd be able to find out where she was. "Could you shut the fuck up!" She yelled turning the corner.

"I'm right here." She replied looking at the turned eyes of Erich blunt. "Why are you following me?" She asked bored.

"About fucking time!" He yelled striding over to her. "I've been calling you and messaging you." He said, she could almost laugh at how red his neck and face were, almost as red as the lip shade she was wearing.

"And? I'm a free woman, I don't have to take calls and orders from you, Blunt." She spoke pushing past him, she knew he'd follow her but it was worth the try to get away from him.

"You have a shit ton of explains to do," he replied lowly. "I don't have shit to explain to you." She retorted, she could hear him huff behind her as his foot steps sped up wot catch hers. "I think you do." He replied back to her.

She could feel her shoulders tense at his demand, who was he to demand anything from her? He got her into this mess in the first place, Erich blunt was a disaster waiting, she should've known from the start to keep him away and now here she was about to explode on the entitled asswipe. "I don't owe you shit Erich!" She spat out. Erich watched as her face tinged red and her eyes narrowed into slits.

"I know about you and Ivanna going through my shit, I know you've been trying to find some dirt on me but heed my advice, you come anywhere near me until my next court date then I will fucking murder you, and that's a promise blunt," she grit, he watched as her jaw tensed and relaxed. "Then they'll really have a case against me." She grinned, it was anything but sweet, it was vicious, it almost scared him.

"I've gotta go, watch your back Erich, the games are just beginning." She said before walking away.

If there was one thing Erich knew, it was that she was a delicious apple, waiting for him to taste her poison and he so desperately wanted to.

It's been a hot minute, I'm not promising to keep updating regularly, but I will try and update more, hope you enjoy this chapter.

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