Chapter 23: sunwaves

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Sitting at a resort would've sounded like a dream to anyone but it wasn't such a thrill to Y/n, her hair sat comfortably around her shoulders and her body relaxed, but it wasn't in her mind. Ideas, theories, and speculations were going on in her mind, she couldn't understand the point of being at a place she was supposed to relax at when instead she thinking, more than she should.

The time ticked slower and people moved and sounded monotoned, their mouths didn't seem to go in rhythm with their words but it could just be the high dose of Xanz she got, what was the time again?


Damn, four hours passed? Where'd the time go?

Questions, they rang through her ears.

She turned to see Erich, already gawking at her. He'd arrived at the resort pool early that morning way before she herself had arrived, he had a martini in hand and it seems to stay in that hand for quite some time. She'd flaunt in front of him, but she knew it'd be risky, being around Erich was risky. Known worldwide of being a possible killer, known to drag ppl down along with him, known to be a ex pool boy who earned his way up to a good tech university with the help of his foster family Maddison and Erold Blunt.

She'd done her research on the asshat of a prick, an A-on-a-roll student mostly, except in gym and...what was it, art? Hilarious.

She wondered how he grew into his charm, or was it money that made him more alluring? Who knew and who cared. These kind of thoughts drifted about her mind through the day, she'd even caught herself laughing out of the blue, the cleaner gave her weird looks before walking away with a smug look. She must have read the papers or seen the news. Great another person thinking she's gone loony.

"You know your sure do spend a lot of time talking to yourself." Her head whipped to her right to see Erich standing hands tucked in his shorts with a smug grin. "It's called self guidance, you wouldn't know because your too busy guiding your duck instead." She spoke cooly, she sipped on bloody cherry martini she had in hand and ignored his stare.

"Why'd you follow me?" She spoke ignoring his piercing stare.

"What do you mean? I was here first if you don't remember, I think your spending too much time in your head." hah! Hilarious, wasn't that just what she was thinking? Of course if it were any other person she'd might've laughed and agreed. But this was Erich blunt, nothing about him could bring her amusement, except his constant need to be first.

"I mean here Erich, why'd you follow me here to Peru, it's not everyday you and your coworker go on the same trip the same week." Her eyes pierced into his, studying him, figuring out what his next move would be.

"Your full of yourself, you know that?" He spoke harshly and if she could hint it, a little defensive?

"And your full of shit, get out of my face you creep." She spoke turning away from him, annoyance crept up her skin like a parasite, itchy and irritating. "No comeback?" He spoke with a boast.

"Thinking of a comeback would be like me searching for penny, pointless, I already piss you off by being near your presence." She spoke a devilish smirk forking on the corners of her mouth, she'd won.


"I'm not here following you, I had other important matters here, but I had been hinted at that you'd be here, figured we could go for a little fun." His body language spoke it all, and she wanted no part of it. "I'm good thanks."

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