Chapter 2: unwelcomed greetings

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Erich had enough of the nagging from everyone to get the help of y/n l/n with the new game idea he wanted to create. Of course he had to admit this was his only best option, but he didn't want someone taking the credit of his ideas, plus the lawsuit he was dealing with over the code he had stolen. He knew he stole it but he wouldn't drop the act of not stealing it.

"I'm just saying if you set up a meeting with her by today, you would be able to get it done by this Thursday" David said. Ivanna was coding and setting up the virtual experience to be tested again.

"I never even said I wanted to go to her for help, it was a suggestion you came up with." Erich says scoffing but not before catching the eye of Cindy who smiles flirtatiously at him.

He sends her one of his suggestive smirks before turning back to David and ignoring her presence once again. "Besides, I don't need her trying to steal and take credit for my ideas." Erich says reluctantly.

"But if you just think about it, you can't do this on your own without the right equipment and brains for this" David argues. "I am the brains of this company, this right here." Erich says pointing to his head. "Is the star of this company." he says selflessly.

"Just listen to him Erich, as much as I hate to say it, he's right, she's our best shot at this." Ivanna speaks up. She was another one of Erich's 'side dishes'.

"I don't have the time to look at a hippo when I've got shit of my own to do" he scowls at them. "This is my company and—" David cuts him off with an eye roll and waves his hand around dismissively.

"Yes we know your company, but we're just trying to help you, your not gonna get anywhere if you don't let others help you Erich" David sighs. "Just think about it, please" he says turning around and leaving. Erich looks at ivanna who smirks at him.

"Looks like we have time to spare." Erich says. He walks over to Ivanna and indulging in a heated make-out with her with occasional groping.


Y/n sat there with her crew looking at everyone's work on the soon to be released game. It's been a week since she had an interview and due to slight delays the game wouldn't be finished until this week, if there weren't anymore interruptions that is. "It needs to be more darker but light enough so the player can see just bit far out to where their going" she says watching the guy recoding it to be darker.

But he failed to do it as she explained which led to her taking over. She typed away and set the right lighting and mode of the game. "Adding the game feature of SOS supplies" she calls out. The game had hidden caves, homes and everything. You had to find a flashlight as the first task of the game. The whole point of the game was to find a safe army location where people were said to be kept safe but things wouldn't go as the story line because they already had plans for a part two if this game iwas successful.

"Alright guys four more days until this game is completed, keep up the work" she says smiling. She walked out of the GATGS building and headed home. She sipped on whine as they passed paparazzi who were everywhere since the talk of the release of her game. "Almost there Miss. l/n." her driver spoke.

"Thanks rich" she replied cooly. Unlike Erich she enjoyed pop and upbeat music and the occasional soft flowing music. While Erich enjoyed the rock and classical style of music. Erich believed that fun should be mainly left out of work which included music as he thought it was a distraction, she however played music through every hall of the building. It kept the place light and comfy instead of dull and drowsy like. "We're here miss" he replied. She thanked him and stepped out of the car.

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