Chapter 10: cindy strauss

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Y/n groaned from the crank in her neck from the position she slept, the mornings definitely weren't her thing and she contemplated wether or not she would rather sleep in today or head into work. All thigh maybe she could sleep for a bit more and then do something fun, whatever decision was it was to early to choose so she'd sleep in longer instead and then choose later. Maybe she'd go get a message and facial clearing today, or she could clubbing.

She wasn't sure and she sure as hell wasn't going to choose now. So sleep it was.


She woke up again at ten past eleven, she says up as the sun shines through her room. She walked to her closet and grabbed some skinny jeans a shirt and clean underwear and made her way into the shower. She let the water wake up her up as she washed her hair and body.

She wrapped her towel around her head after her got dressed and made her way into her room to make her bed before leaving downstairs. She ate a bowl of cereal as she watched a cartoon show before leaving for the day. She was going to a last minute gaming convention event she was invited to. She quickly brushed her teeth and she made her way out as her driver, James her company attorney, and Justin were waiting for her.

"Took you about time, Christal and mike will meet us their at your jet." James said with an eye roll. "What time does it even start?" She asked them.

"The convention start at two but signing and Q/A's start at four" James said going through schedules today.

"Okay but why is Justin here?" Y/n asks. "Because, Justin is like your assistant per say, so in case anything gets twisted around he will be there to save your ass" James says not looking up. Justin nods and looks out the window.

"Plus I wanted to go to this D.C Comic-Con convention down the street" he says shrugging. Y/n nodded and looked out the window in silence as they rode to their destination. Jazz music was playing in the car causing her to roll her eyes. "Change the station, I don't want to listen to this" she tells the driver.

"Come on y/n don't be difficult" James sighs. "No, this music is fucking boring the hell out of me" she argues. The man changes the station to what she likes and they continue in silence.


Erich was currently sleeping in and he had a meeting to go to today. The night before clearly engraved in his head, he wasn't ashamed of what he did, he wasn't ashamed of anything he ever did. He was glad to get rid of that dumb bitch and he could continue his life freely.

His virtual experience game was coming on quickly and he was ready to start the next project. He gets up out of bed and showers before making his way to APPLSN.


Y/n gets out of the jet and makes her way into the already packed comic-con building. Their was already hundreds of fans and some reporters waiting outside to ask a few questions which she wasn't about to deal with. She got up and made her way with James and Justin behind her . The place was decorated with game posters and red and black colored flags hanging.

"Hey, y/n over here" one of the guys says. She makes her way to him and shakes his held out hand. "I'm glad you could make it, your game was sick, it was amazing" he tells her smiling widely.

"Is that so?" She asks with a smirk. "Yeah finished it within three days, stayed up all night to finish it" the man brags.

"Anyway, over there is where you'll be seated and a lady will come out to asks questions Athena after you'll do signings and Q/A's" he tells her. She of course already knew this but she makes her way over there.

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