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Tine was sitting on the beachside the cold water of the sea was touching his body. In the corner of his eyes there were tears ...... He can't believe what just happened to you. He was feeling like he lost everything, though the thing was known to his family members but he was unknown about that. Why everyone tried to cover up this important thing from him. Tine placed his hand on his belly.

'Hey little one.... Sorry okay, that i didn't believe at first but i am promising you that I'll never hurt you okay..... I hope you are doing well there.... And your father.... Your father.... How can i forgot about Sarawat.... How will he react if he came here I'm sure he will feel disgust after finding out that cause it's rare for a man to get pregnant and how will his society going to react on that..... I don't think Sarawat is going to like about this but where is he.......... '

'He is not going to come back you idiot...'

Tine divert his eyes from where the sound was coming.... And it was his brother Type.

'What are you saying...... '

'Do you believe on a guy like him Tine..... He is a goddamn actor , his life and our life is not same and now look at yourself.... He doesn't have any idea that you are...... Let me tell you one thing Tine stop dreaming about that guy Sarawat '

'But phi Type..... He is the father.... '

'Does he know about that.... Where is he.... You said that he promised you that he will come back really soon..... Time is passing but there is no trace of Sarawat .... And about that baby I'm sure he is not going to even take care of him so stop thinking about that Asshole who is responsible of everything '

Tine was silently listening everything that Type was saying and obviously what Type was saying everything have meaning. If Sarawat is really serious then where is he.... Why he is not coming back..... Tine can't take anymore he run away and went to his room.

'Tine.... I don't want to hurt you but I don't want you to ended up like uncle Tin'

Time was passing really fast..... The first two months was really tough for Tine. He doesn't have any kind of idea about being pregnant..... And more over that he was in depression because of Sarawat. Though his family members always try to help him forgetting about Sarawat.

Tine was 5 months pregnant and the local doctor ask his father Ram to take him to the city for better hospitality cause anytime Tine will get ill. But it was really risky to take him somewhere else where he never ever been.

The day his brother and mother took him to the city that day was really tough.... All the people there were looking at him curiously some of them were even asking what happened to Tine why his belly is big. But they have to lied all the time.

In these days Tine become really immature.... After reaching to the city after seeing their style he was mesmerized..... He wanted to live there , he thought it will be perfect to live there so his baby can get all the facilities. Tine started to stay with his brother in a small condo sometimes his mother also came and took care of Tine and that time Type went to the island. That's how they took care of Tine .

At eight months Tine, Type and his mother went to visit a hospital which have facilities about male pregnancy though very few people know about that fact and they took care of these cases as a private case so no one can find out about it. That time Tine met a couple who talked with Tine and his mother.... They were researchers and for some reasons they also know about male pregnancy and they even researched about that. Tine and that couple went really well they even talked about helping Tine so Tine can have a comfortable delivery.

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