S E V E N T E E N ∘ Klaus

552 18 2

Friday, June 1 1888

Even though I was still in mourning for my father, my best friend has been trying to get me presentable and out of the house whenever I see her. For my brother, however, it is totally acceptable for him to act out and keep to himself.

It's only been two months. I should have the right to grieve in my own time, just as he is.

Ready or not, I would still choose Genevieve Salvatore over my mom's family any day. My grandparents were insufferable.

Eve was dragging me to a party tonight, a party of which that we'd have to sneak into. She had heard her older brother, Trevor, talking about it with their father, Giuseppe. They were invited but thought she was too young to attend.

There was a family that was new in town who was hosting a ball of sorts to celebrate their welcome. It was a little odd and a lot egotistical, but Eve thought it would be fun, and I went where she went.

I decided to wear a dress I found in the back of my new closet. It was the room my mother had grown up in, so I assumed it belonged to her. The viridian fabric was lined with a sheer layer underneath and had diamond sequins along every seem.

My entire coven all lived on this property, so I was glad my aunt was throwing her own party down the street, which meant my grandparents weren't home. For once, I was grateful for being invisible here. They disapproved of me being friends with the Salvatore siblings because Grandpa Jonah hated Giuseppe.

I knew something she didn't. According to my family, she came from a long line of dormant witches.

Either her mother's bloodline didn't make it as potent as it should be, or she was just too young for her powers to break out yet. I wasn't sure where Trevor stood with it. I only saw him when he came home from base training.

After the first time he caught me with Eve in my room, I heard Jonah talking to one of my aunts about her family's prophecy. Specifically, her older half-brother's doppelgänger prophecy. They were dangerous and I had to stay away. I didn't know what to think at the time.

Little did I know, I found out one hundred and twenty-seven years later that I knew about Stefan having a doppelgänger all along.

The worst part was I couldn't use my powers around her. I wasn't looking forward to walking all this way in such uncomfortable attire.

The driveway was packed. Eve just said as long as we held our heads high, no one would think we didn't belong here.

"I need a drink," she said when we were ushered inside, motioning her head every which way to look for a server. "Just tell me if you see my father."

I nodded. "You really are ballsy, aren't you?"

She giggled.

Something about this place made me uneasy. The air just felt... heavy. Like something was about to jump out at me. My hair suddenly stood up at the back of my neck, and I spun to see who stood behind me.

No one.

I regretted not wearing my mother's locket. If I needed to use my powers, I had nothing to siphon from.

"Ah, finally!" She bowed her head when a man in a tux came by with a tray of champagne. She took two, and I held my hand out for one.

She leaned away. "Oh, did you want one?"

I laughed. "Well, then. You're gonna be fun tonight." I thanked the man when I grabbed one for myself.

"I'm always fun," she argued playfully.

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