T H R E E ∘ Threat

332 12 1

Monday, October 30 2017

Despite being deep in a dream, I was starting to feel conscious. The pain was real.

I could feel my nose burning. I also vaguely heard someone calling my name, but I couldn't see anyone.


I knew the voice, but I was too exhausted to search for him. It was dark wherever I was.

"Bella! Bella!" The voice was louder. "Wake up!"

I felt a searing sensation near my torso and shot up. My bedroom was on fire.

It was Aaron who was screaming for me. He was standing in the threshold of my door, trying to find an opening to get to me.

"Aaron!" I was on my feet now, pressed against the wall above my bed. The flames were in a ring shape around me.

"Suctus incendia!" The fire dispersed, then disappeared. There were no burns or heat damage anywhere.

"What the..." He looked confused but hurried over to me. "Are you okay?! What was that?!"

"Don't worry about it." I would worry enough for the both of us. "I'm fine. Are you?"

"Once my heart rate slows down, I'll let you know." He sat down next to me. "Listen... I know I obviously haven't earned a real answer from you, but the fact that there are holes in my memory is... unsettling, to say the least. What is going on?"

"I'm sorry. Sincerely. I didn't plan for any of this to happen... I'm not supposed to be here. I can't explain it because I don't know the answer myself. And if you want to fill those holes, all you have to do is ask. But make sure that's when you're ready for the truth."

He sighed and headed for the door.

Getting burned alive is one hell of a way to get woken up.

I took my time getting dressed for school.

Aaron had already left for work by now, so it was quiet. I finished the last of the blood bags, then grabbed a water bottle before getting my school bag. I felt my back pocket for the new phone I got yesterday, coming up empty.


I went back upstairs, feeling through my bed for it. I lifted up the pillows and gasped at what I found underneath.

The only thing that left a singed mark from the fire. Everything else was perfectly intact as if the flames hadn't touched them.

A pentagram. A witch's symbol.

Another witch did this to me.

Witches use pentagrams when they want to eliminate a threat. The five elements are what bind the spell to the target, making the blow even stronger.


It took me ten minutes to get to the school. I parked at the back of the lot.

I noticed two vehicles that were fancier than the rest: a silver Volvo and a white Jeep. Almost everyone else had bland cars that were probably passed down from their parents.

It was still early, so I took that extra time to sit in the truck. I opened my new notebook and started writing down every relative spell I could to derail the mysterious witches.

Who were they? Why would they want to hurt me? Were they the ones who dropped me in this strange place?

I don't remember making enemies with such a powerful witch before.

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