𝑝𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑎𝑔𝑒 - 𝑒𝑣𝑎 𝑐𝑢𝑑𝑚𝑜𝑟𝑒

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Warnings: none

Request: myself

Scarlett's POV

It was 10 pm and I was instagram live. I was in my bed, hugging my teddy bear my girlfriend got me, eating chips, had my LED lights on blue, and my SkyLight projected on purple. So basically I'm saying that everything was being really swaggy.

"What's your sexuality?" I read a comment out loud, "I'm very confused but I think I'm bisexual."

When I said that I saw Anna comment, 'like you'd ever date a man.' which made me laugh.

"How did you and Eva meet?" Another comment said, "Eva and I actually met at a Lana del Rey conc-" I was cut off by my LEDs turning off.

"What the actual frick." I looked up at my LEDs, still eating my chips.

"Did you guys see that?" I asked my live.

Most of the comments were, 'what was that', 'it's so funny how she's eating her chips still', 'mood', or 'check on Eva to see if she's ok!'

Someone barged into my room. Eva.

"Bub the power went- why are you still eating chips? The power jut went out." She exclaimed.

"Do I give a fuck, no not one, how many fucks to I give, zero, therefore your comment it irrelevant." I joked with her, getting up to find my lighter to light a candle.

"Ok I'm going to bed the live because yes. Bye bois."

After stumbling over clothes on the floor I got my lighter and lit a candle.

"Ok bub let's check on Emma and Anna, god knows what they're doing." Eva spoke causing me to chucking and grab her hand.

I gave Eva the candle because I still had my chips and we walked into the hallway.

(Dev is not there and Sab is at Coopers)

"EMMA, ANNA ARE YOU OK!" I screamed.

"YEA SCARLETT I'M OK. ARE YOU OK?!" Emma yelled back.

"YES I'M DOING OK." I scream replied.

"Damn Scar, your going to blow my eardrum." Eva rubbed her ear, laughing a bit.

Anna and Emma came out of their rooms and walked towards us.

"Hey shawtys! Anyways, what should we do?" I asked, chomping on another chip.

"We could make tiktoks lol." Anna suggested.

"Yea sounds good." Eva said, bringing my hand to her lips, pecking it softly.

Emma and I just nodded.


We made tiktoks and the power was still out.

It was like 11 now.

"Maybe we should all go to sleep and see if the power comes back on in the morning." Eva suggested, yawning.

We nodded and Eva pulled me to her room.

"Luv you are cuddling with me." She whispered as we plopped on my bed.

"Sounds good mamas." I replied doing the f-boy face.

She hit me playfully, "I hate you."

"You know you love me." I kissed her.


this was so boring I'm sorry lolz. Anyways send me request people! Ty, anyways I love you shawtays. <3

494 words

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