Chapter 7 - Fuck.

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I woke up and see Nightmare infront of me. "N-nightmare!?" I asked but I knew the answer. I stood up only to be pushed harshly to the ground. "W-wha-?" Nightmare looks at me. He looks pissed. I was about to speak but I seem to not be able to. I look down at my hands and see dust and blood all over my gloves. I look back at Nightmare to only see him on the ground in a pool of blood and.....huh?

I try to speak but nothing comes out. I crawl over to Nightmare as fast as I could. I once again try to speak but of course, nothing came out. "Thank god Dream!" "You did it!" "Your our hero!" I hear voices all around me cheering and clapping. I look around and see all the monsters infront of me and Nightmare, clapping and smiling. The sky was normal. Everything seemed so.....bad. I felt terrible. What did I do? This isnt what I wanted. I started crying, "this isn't what I wanted!" I yelled out. Someone grabbed my chin and lifted my face up. It was Nightmare. Back to his gooey self...set for he still looked pissed. Blood was scattered around everywhere, sky is red again, Nightmare has blood and dust on his tentacles. "Is this what you wanted then? For everyone to die and me to live and suffer?" He asked. "N-no.." I said as more tears kept rolling down my face. "Then do you want me to die and everyone to live?" He asked as he let go. I stood up quickly, "N-no!" I answered. "Which one is it Dream!?" Nightmare yells at me and he kept yelling, "You have to decide! This is your fault! ALL of this is your FAULT! YOU HAD A CHANCE TO SAVE US! TO SAVE ME!"
"I know!!! And I regret not stopping it, I regret not paying attention to you! I'm sorry! I regret what I didnt do!" I yelled back, clutching onto my pants, breathing heavily. "Actions speak louder than words Dream." Nightmare said. One of his tentacles comes right at me and-

I woke up breathing heavily and look around. The sky was red, slight breeze, town is still there and destroyed. I took deep breaths then once I was calm enough I stood up. I picked my phone up off the ground and turned it on. I had a lot of notifications from Blue and Ink. "Uuugggh...." I knew I was going to be the one to get scolded this time. I called back Blue and it was answered immediately. "DREAM!" I heard both Ink and Blue yell into the phone in unison. "Y-yeah, that's my name." I said awkwardly. "Where the hell were you!?" Ink said. What do I say? "S-sorry sleeping..." I said, not so sure of it myself. "Dream, we really needed you today and we barely won against Nightmare and his gang!" Blue said in a slight angry tone. I flinched when he said Nightmare. "Sorry..." I mumbled but it was loud enough to be heard. "Dream, sorry doesn't fix anything." Ink said as I hear him sigh. "W-well it's okay! We dont have to be so harsh on him!" Blue says. "Fuck...." I said quietly so they couldnt hear me. I messed up just because I wanted to rest and was tired. I could hear them arguing. "GUYS." I said loudly. They went quiet. "It wont happen again, sorry that I caused so much trouble." Before they could say anything I hung up. "I can't fail them cause of my stupid actions.....ugh, I just go check up on the other aus." I said to myself, then teleported away.

(Hope you liked this chapter.)

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