Chapter 10 - Blue's innocent trick

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What I saw was completely stupid. I stared in disgust as I saw Ink and Cross struggling to push each other, Blue and Horror having a stare down while Dust was on his cellphone, and so is Red. "......what the fuck?" As I said that Blue heard me and gasped. "Dream your here!" As Blue said that he ran towards me, totally forgetting about Horror. Blue jumps onto me and I almost almost lost my balance but I managed. "Glad your here! Ink told me he convinced you to come!" He said that while giggling. I sighed and hug Blue back. "I might join Cross on pushing Ink." I said giving Ink a quick death stare then looking back at Blue. "You seem pretty upset, sorry if Ink lied to you. But...dont you wanna hang out with us, with me..?" He said that with an innocent look on his face. I do admit I was blushing a bit and falling for his little "innocent" trick. "Er....ugh ok, I wont leave! Stop doing....whatever your doing..." I said letting him go. "Yay!!" Blue says excitedly. He then grabs my face, "Wha-" I stopped myself when he kissed my nose and let me go then took a little step back. I blushed even more than before. Ink let go of Cross and he face planted. Red and Dust laughed at him. Horror ran towards Blue and so did Ink. They both were asking for a kiss on the nose too.

I couldnt hold myself so I just let it out. I laughed and couldnt stop. "All of you....are idiots!" I said in between my laughing. "Wha- I'm not an idiot!" Ink says as everyone just agreed. I died down, now able to calm myself and stop laughing. "Ink you deserved the title of being an idiot for lying to me about the "Nightmare's feral idiots"." I said crossing my arms. Ink started running as he heard Horror growl and then Horror started chasing Ink. Atleast no one was actually fighting seriously, I dont think we would won. I yawned, "you should take a nap!" Blue said. "Pffft- yeah no." I answered quickly. Sleeping did sound nice.....but I dont want to see THAT ever again. "Why not?" Blue says with a confused look on his face. "Because....." that's the only word I said then didnt say anything else. I dont want to tell him, what should I do? "See? You have no reason to not to." Blue said. I didnt like where this was going. "I'm not going too and I wont no matter what you say." I said, pouting. Blue sat down on the ground and pulled me down. I fell on his lap. "Blue!" I said, almost yelling. "I will be right here with you! So no need to fear sleeping." He says with a huge grin. I couldnt say anything. I guess I'll have to try....

I get off of him and lay down, laying my head on his lap. I hear him giggle and pet my head. "This is dumb" I mumbled. But I remember all the other times I fell asleep and fear took over me. I grabbed Blue's hand, which stopped him from petting me, and held it tightly. I dont even have to look at him to tell he had a worried and confused expression on his face. "I'll be here for you." He says with a more considerate tone. I let sleep wash over me as I relaxed more into it. But one word that I thought of before I fell asleep was, "Guilt".

(Hello! I hope that you enjoyed this chapter! I'm honestly surprised that I'm even updating so often!)

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