Chapter 9 - Seeing things

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I quickly turned around and didnt see anyone. I took a deep breathe to calm my fast beating soul. I stood up then back away from the edge, "How could you..." I heard a whisper behind and swore I saw something red and black. I turned around again but then again I saw nothing. I felt a little dizzy for spinning around so quickly. I put my hand where my soup would be and felt my soul beating rapidly and I noticed my breathing was quicker. I sat back down on the ground and buried my head into my legs, taking deep breaths. "Your fine, whatever is going on, your fine. Nothing is here." I said to myself. I lifted my head up, staring at who knows what. I yawn and felt myself sliding into a terrible slumber. I slapped my face using both of my hands. Fighting against sleep was hard but it was better than taking a risk to seeing whatever messed up thing my mind makes up or makes me relive. "Uh, you good there pal?" I hear a voice and looked to where it was coming from. "Oh....yeah! Sorry did you see that?" I said to Outer that was standing to my right. I stood up and faced him. "If you meant as seeing you slap your own face then yep." He says as he rubbed the back of his neck. "You dont look so...good, are you sure your doing good?" Outer says hesitantly. No. "Yes, dont worry about me. Geez your the third person to say that." I said as I crossed my arms. "Well no offense but you dont exactly look the best." He says. "Oh..." is all I could say. There was this awkward silence for only a bit until I decided to break it. "Welp. Imma go, it was nice seeing you!" I said with a bright smile and gave him a pat on the back. "Alright, next time you stop by at least tell me so we could chat without meeting by chance." He says with a big smile. "Alright!" I said as I teleported away. I didnt have anywhere to go was the problem, I left because I didnt want to bother him any further.

I felt my phone vibrating violently in my pocket. I get my phone out and answer the phone call. "Hello?" I said slowly. "Hey Dream! We need to come here! Nightmare's feral idiots are causing trouble! We are at -----!" I hear Ink say quickly. "Alrighty then." I responded then hung up. "Feral idiots huh? Sounds pretty accurate." I said to myself while holding back my laughter. I then teleported to the location, remembering that I needed to help.

(Hope you liked that chapter! Sorry if it seemed short!)

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