1 - A Lonely Man

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TW: age gap, awkwardness, sugaring

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TW: age gap, awkwardness, sugaring


Shouta knew from the very start that this probably wasn't a great idea. He was supposed to be a role model in so many ways - as a teacher, as a hero and simply as an adult. But well, even he got lonely sometimes. And being a hero and a teacher brought some perks. Like having a lot of money and very little time to spend it.

He had tried to get a girlfriend, he had tried to get into dating and finding someone. Fuck, he had even installed Tinder, but he had very quickly regretted that, because it was a pretty terrible app. But the women he met on there... they just really weren't the kind of women he wanted to meet.

Shouta wasn't really sure himself what he wanted. He knew that he liked someone that would be low maintenance - not when it came to material things, but when it came to everything else. Someone that wouldn't be insisting on expensive (and especially public) dates, that wouldn't be insisting on taking holidays together (because he never took holidays and he also wouldn't be too concerned sending a significant other off on holidays on her own if she was okay with that - but he just couldn't be bothered with it), that wouldn't be a whole fucking brat.

He didn't care much about age, but he liked when he could actually spoil a woman. He liked when they weren't bitter and negative about everything, but when they could still understand a good bit of sarcasm. Maybe he did know what he wanted, but it was just very specific. He also didn't really care much for looks - but there was just something about a darker type and a small, petite woman.

This whole thing had been Hizashi's idea in the beginning. They had been out drinking and Hizashi just had a way to get to Shouta when he was drunk and he managed to get all the feely stuff out of him somehow. Shouta hated it, but when he was drunk he didn't mind too much. He actually quite enjoyed opening up under the whole pretense of being drunk (even if it wasn't always pretense).

And one of those nights he just happened to tell Hizashi that he was feeling lonely. That he had no idea what to do with his life. That he just kind of wanted someone with him that he could tell about his day and that would listen and tell him he was doing well. And he wanted sex. Really fucking good sex.

Shouta was honestly surprised that Hizashi had been willing to listen to all that, because he usually lost interest pretty quickly. But here he had been, looking at Shouta, as if he was having an amazing idea, but wasn't sure whether he was supposed to tell him about it. But after Shouta had asked him a million times, he finally told him. And Shouta wasn't sure whether he was happy or not.

Sounds like you'd be better off with a sugar babe. Shouta hadn't been sure just what to say to that. He wanted to protest at first, of course, but then, as he was thinking about it... well, it wasn't even such a bad idea. Sure, it seemed kind of sleazy, but... he did have the money to throw around and he would get exactly what he wanted and that was not to be lonely when he had that little bit of free time that his two jobs allowed him. And he just wanted to spoil some nice young girl that needed the money. Surely that wasn't a bad thing, was it? No, of course not.

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