7 - A Strange Story

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TW: mentions of trauma, smut

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TW: mentions of trauma, smut


Shouta watched Y/N as she was waking up from her nap. They had gone out for brunch, but it seemed like she had been out late yesterday, so she was tired as hell. He had told her to just go and take a nap. He wanted to continue reading a book he started earlier anyway. And then they'd do something nice in the evening. That was the plan, at least, and Y/N was happy with that.

But he never really got to reading. Instead he had just watched her sleeping, like some creep. But it wasn't his fault that she was so beautiful and looked so peaceful when she was sleeping, was it? He just couldn't take his eyes off her. The way her hair was fanned out on the pillow, the way she was clutching the blanket... Shouta almost wanted to nap with her, hold her close...

But he had said he'd read a book and he didn't want to wake her up. She looked like she needed some sleep. He just wished he could feel her body against his, feel her chest rising and falling softly, be able to smell her hair, to see her beautiful face, let his hand wander over her curves...

She looked so soft when she was like this, but he knew that she was anything but soft. He had felt her muscles underneath all that soft skin and he knew she was as strong as she used to be. Maybe she'd need to get back into shape, but she would still be able to hold her own against villains. Shouta wasn't sure what her Quirk was again, but he was sure it wasn't something particularly rare.

Some elemental type Quirk he believed? Nothing too rare, but she had trained it well, if he remembered correctly. And her close combat skills had been immaculate as well. Well... maybe not immaculate, but they were very good. She would have made a good hero... so what happened?

Shouta couldn't help himself but ask that same question over and over again. What had happened that had made her give up on being a hero? Maybe it wasn't actually for her, but he wouldn't have thought that she'd be that kind of person. The kind of person to give up easily.

Maybe he was also overthinking this. After all, he didn't know this girl very well. Sure, she was his student, but he was sure there were a good few students he never had managed to figure out completely. Most students were easy to read, but some just fell through the cracks, no matter how much effort he'd put into helping all of them. Who knew what the issue was. Probably harmless.

He put his book down when he saw her stirring a little. It wasn't like he had managed to get much reading done, anyway. She was holding onto the blanket more, as she curled up a little more, before relaxing. Her eyes started to flutter open slowly and she stretched her entire body like a cat, before rolling over on her side and looking at him out of her sleepy eyes.

"Have you been watching me all this time?" she wanted to know. Shouta felt like he had just been exposed.

"No, of course not. I've been reading." he replied, holding up the book. Y/N glanced at and smirked.

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