11 - Bad Girl

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TW: smut

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TW: smut


Shouta was almost certain that he would never hear from Y/N ever again. He was absolutely certain he had fucked up. Badly. He was certain he'd never see her again, because he had pushed her too much and she didn't want anything to do with him. Shouta wasn't even sure why he had asked that in the first place. He just suddenly felt like he wanted her to be his. Just his.

He hadn't been sure whether he should contact her again or not. He didn't want to be annoying or anything, but he also didn't want to make her feel like her hesitating was somehow a dealbreaker for him or whatever. Because it wasn't. He didn't care. (He did care, but that didn't mean that he never wanted to see her again.) But right now he wasn't sure what to do.

He had messaged her earlier in the evening, just to see if she was okay and if she maybe wanted to do something. But she hadn't replied and Shouta hadn't really checked if she had seen the message either. He had opened a bottle of wine for himself and started grading papers (and he totally didn't spill some wine on one of them accidentally). And he hadn't gotten any texts all evening.

He was pretty sure that he had fucked up the later it got, but he also didn't want to come across as desperate. So he just waited and graded papers. He probably graded those papers better than any other paper before, simply because he was using that to distract himself from Y/N not texting back.

He had no idea what time it was, but he had just finished that bottle of wine, when he heard the doorbell ringing. He wasn't expecting anyone and there was no message from Y/N, but when he checked she had seen his message. His heart started beating faster. Was that her? If it was her, then...

He really hoped it was her. He got up from his desk and walked over to the intercom system, pressing the button to talk to whoever had rung the bell for his apartment. This better not be Hizashi or someone he didn't want to see. This better not be anyone besides Y/N. He only wanted to see her right now.

"Hello?" he asked, his voice sounding much more tired than he anticipated. There was a moment of silence on the other end.

"Can I come up? It's... it's me..." a female voice said. It sounded so much like Y/N and Shouta was absolutely sure it was her. Who else would come over to his place at that time of night?

He hung up the receiver and pressed the buzzer to let her in. She knew where to go, anyway. Shouta opened the door and let it stand slightly open, before rushing back to the table and tidying up, trying to make the place look at least a little bit presentable, before Y/N came up.

Shouta quickly moved the papers to the edge of the table and tidied up the wine bottle and the glass, so it wouldn't look like he had been drinking while grading papers. Not that it was too bad, but he just felt a little weird about it. Especially since he had probably graded Y/N's papers while he was drinking at some point and for some reason, he just didn't want her to know that.

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