2 - A Girl In Need Of Money

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TW: mentions of trauma

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TW: mentions of trauma


Y/N was sitting in the taxi, wondering what the hell she was doing with her life. She had never really felt conflicted about a potential sugar daddy and she had had a few and even had one currently (that wasn't very time-consuming, so she was looking for a second one). But seeing Mr. Aizawa - Aizawa there at the restaurant... It felt kind of weird, if she was being honest.

The problem really wasn't that he used to be her teacher. She had adored him back when she was in high school, at least towards the end of her second year and her third year. But that was exactly the problem. She had realized who he was once she had met him in person and she found herself thrown back a few years. And usually she didn't bring feelings into these types of arrangements.

Feelings just made things like that complicated and Y/N really hated making things more complicated than they had to be. But... fuck, she really wanted Aizawa. He was looking much better than she remembered him. Maybe that was because it wasn't as weird anymore to be crushing on him, since he wasn't her teacher anymore. Or maybe it was the hair and the suit, because damn...

But there was definitely something about him that made her feel insanely attracted to him. Almost like a fucking magnet and Y/N was surprised how much she had kept her cool during that dinner. She had expected herself to turn into a squealing mess or to start gushing about stupid shit that made no sense. But she had managed to keep her mouth in check and make a good impression.

Or that was at least what she hoped, because she could never be sure of herself. Y/N wished she was a little more self-aware, but she really wasn't. If she was, she could have probably avoided a lot of trouble and would still be working as a hero and not as a sugar babe. But that was a topic for another day.

What worried Y/N a little was that Aizawa seemed to be somewhat awkward and concerned with the whole thing as well. He seemed more relaxed toward the end of the evening and there was hope for Y/N that this might be working out after all. But still, she really hoped she had pushed just the right buttons. Because she had never wanted anything more than Aizawa.

She hoped he would call her soon about the allowance, because she honestly couldn't wait to finally end up in his bed. While she was crushing on him in high school she had been imagining the filthiest shit about him (which was probably still pretty tame compared to what she did fairly regularly now). Y/N had seen him work out shirtless once and she thought she was going to faint.

But now she might have an actual chance if getting paid to go on dates with him and get railed by him? Fuck, yes. Maybe things were looking up in her life again, who knew? Maybe she'd be able to save up enough and buy a place. And then she could easily live off any job that she wanted to do. She wouldn't need to be a sugar babe to survive and she wouldn't go and try to find a new hero agency just to get rejected over and over again. She should have known that it would be like this, but... well, she was young and she was naive and she made one mistake.

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