6 - Making Money

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TW: flashbacks to trauma, mentions of past abuse

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TW: flashbacks to trauma, mentions of past abuse


Y/N couldn't say that she had any reason to complain. Aizawa - Shouta - was paying her extremely well. Not just the monthly allowance they had agreed on, but he would buy her so much stuff all the time. And he was treating her extremely well. Not like other sugar daddies treated her badly, but there were always some foul apples. Shouta was definitely not one of them.

And she had absolutely no problem spending all his money. No problem at all, in fact. She loved it. And she loved making that money, because not only did Shouta look super hot, he was also incredibly good in bed. There was only one person that could probably hold a candle to him in that area, but that was someone Y/N didn't like thinking about a whole lot. Bad memories.

She just hoped that things with Shouta wouldn't end up that way. He was a hero, too, but... well, he wasn't too concerned with his image in the media, so Y/N hoped that would make things different. She didn't know if they would be, though. And it was starting to freak her out. But what better way to distract herself from impending doom than to spend all her hard-earned money?

She knew she should probably be saving up, so she could invest in her future, whatever that might be. She knew that she wasn't going to be able to do this job forever. If she was lucky she could do it until she was 25, after that she'd already be too old for most sugar daddies. They usually liked young girls, around 18 to 22. Young, educated and curious. Eager to be pampered.

And right now, she was all that. She had been working her ass off during her first year as a hero and then it all ended badly and in a lot of heartbreak and tears and stuff she liked not to think about. She was definitely ready to sleep around with rich, older men and be pampered and bought nice things. Maybe it wasn't really at a healthy level anymore, but Y/N had no idea what else to do.

She was very much aware that she was feeling very sad and very lonely inside. She felt that way whenever she was on her own and in her apartment or when she was out with one of her sugar daddies and there was something that reminded her of the past - a song, the flashlight of a camera, anything. That's when that feeling returned and she felt very lonely for a few moments.

Thankfully, when she was around other people it never lasted for too long. Only when she was alone... only then all the bad stuff came back up. All the things he had said to her, everything that had happened, the way she was let go and the things the press had said about her...

And he... he just... at first it had started all sweet, but the signs were already there. Y/N was just young and naive and... why hadn't she known better? She should have known better. She should have run, when she had heard him ask "Don't you trust me?". But she didn't because... well, why?

Maybe she felt flattered by all the attention he was giving her. Flattered, because she was the new girl and her diploma from UA wasn't terrible, but it also wasn't stellar and she still got accepted into his agency as a side-kick and then he was being so nice to her all the time and... well, it all quickly turned into "If you really cared about me, you'd do what I'm asking." And then "It's like you don't even care about me." and "You have to. You owe me." and "This is our secret."

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