5 - Dessert

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TW: smut

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TW: smut


"I didn't know you could actually cook so well." Y/N said with a chuckle, after they had had their dinner. They had been planning to go out for dinner originally, but after brunch they had decided to go into town, since Y/N needed some new clothes anyway. And after that they were both way too exhausted to go for a fancy dinner, so they had agreed on staying home, having a short nap and then Shouta made them some nice dinner. It was nothing fancy, but it did the job.

"Why's that?" he wanted to know. Y/N just shrugged and carefully sipped on her wine. She had been staying away from alcohol for most of the day, but now she was getting a little more daring again. And she seemed to be dealing with it pretty well, so she decided to have a small glass.

"You've always had those weird juice pouches with you in school. We were all wondering whether that was everything you ever ate or if you actually ate properly at home." she replied, blushing a little.

"Really? You spent your time at UA wondering whether I live solely on juice pouches?" Shouta asked with a chuckle.

"I mean, you were quite an enigma to everyone in class, to be honest." Y/N answered with another shrug, taking a bigger sip from her glass of wine, before sitting back, the strap of her dress falling down her shoulder. She seemed to have noticed it, but didn't care enough to fix it.

"Huh. I never thought people would actually pay that much attention to me." he said, quite surprised about that fact. He had never thought of himself as an interesting person or anything like that. He always tried not to be too flashy and not to catch too much attention. He preferred it when he had his peace and quiet, so his students actually wondering about him seemed like an odd and irrational thing to do. He'd have to worry about that another day, however.

"Well, on normal days... do you eat anything except your pouches?" Y/N wanted to know, a genuinely curious look on her face.

"I do. I don't prepare food while I'm at school, but I have a normal, regular meal when I get home. Most days at least." Shouta answered with a slight smile. He felt a little flattered that he was seen as an 'enigma' of sorts by his students, for some reason it kind of boosted his ego.

"That's good to hear. We were honestly a little worried about you some days." Y/N replied with an apologetic smile. A strand of hair was falling out of the loose bun she had tied after her shower. She looked so damn beautiful. So incredibly fucking beautiful. Shouta couldn't take his eyes off of her. Had she really been his student once? If so, then it seemed like a long, long time ago.

"Well, there's no need to worry about me. Are you... what are your plans for the rest of the evening? Do you need to get back home?" Shouta wanted to know. He really hoped she would stay, because he wanted her so, so badly. Waking up next to her in the morning and helping her shower... and then spending all day with her and not getting sick of her once... he really wanted her.

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