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When the day was cleared by the weak Sun, the weather outside was cold and dark, rainy, like everything in that place. When you woke up, everything was so quiet and calm, it felt like a deserted place, you don't know how, but you had woken up at exactly 5:00, checking it when you came out of the bathroom, grabbing the cover and caressing Atlas who was awake. As soon as you did, you took a bread that was placed in the kitchen and ate a piece for your breakfast, that would leave you standing until you reach the port. While eating, you decide to pack the leather bag that was with you since the beginning.

Separating some potions you had, the compass, your old clothes and cleaning the blue diamond sword, you walked to the bathroom, repairing your appearance and sighing deeply.

"I wish I could take a shower now ..."

You left the cramped place, arranging your comfortable clothes, and when you looked at the table, a red scarf was waiting for you. You took it, and put it away, barely waiting to find out if it was for you or not. You sat down for a while and thought about everything and nothing at the same time, looking around and imagining your future from now on.

"Would you be happier?

Would you find a place where not even Dream would find you?

Being with Phil would be good for you, right? "

Atlas hooted and climbed on your left shoulder. Everything was still silent. Not even the sisters were awake. You decided to leave without disturbing any more, so grab your purse and adjust the sword in your new belt, you went to the door and knocked again on the lion knocker, this time, from the inside, it looked at you again, but this one had sapphire eyes that shone with the little natural light of the day. Seconds later, it opened. You felt a cold wind pushing your face slightly, now, you could see that thick drops of rain fell there, there were not many, but it was a considerable rain.

No animal, plant or any kind of life dared to move, even with the wind slightly strong, everything seemed to stand still, as in the eye of a hurricane. You looked at the horizon, the Hill of Poppie on your right and the River of Tears running in the distance on your left, bright green trees covering the landscape almost completely. Your journey started here.

Your plan was to make exactly what Delilah told to, follow the River of Tears to the port, find some fisherman who would make a trip to the snowy tundra and exchange potions for food along the way. Your mind was slowly guiding you to the possibility that it was just a lie from the old witch and her sister, but you were so desperate to disappear from the map or at least far enough from where Dream and his friends were, that you didn't even questioned. That was one of your only chances, it was like shooting in the dark, going blindly without knowing where it would end. You even liked that feeling, to go around looking for something specific and doing everything for it, and just this, not the part where you have three capable and armed fighters looking to end your life. Perhaps having spent so much time in a small, cramped hut, without the slightest worry or fun, has made you a little too sensitive about things. That was good, feeling free was good. But not much. You still preferred your cottage, it was quiet and comfortable.

You were jumping over the smooth stones on the river when you saw, in the distance, stalls of commerce being set up. The blue, red, yellow and green of the tent fabric illuminated the cloudy day in a festival of colors in the midst of faded gray. Men and some children were bargaining with the mysterious salespeople. Sesame, cardamom, bread, clothing, fruit and some other spices were contemplated by passersby, and by you, as soon as you stepped on the red dirt path that crossed the fair. Do you think they would accept your potions? Well, it's time to find out.You heard the men shouting the prices and bargains for their goods, you heard the children laughing with each other. This trade seemed quite famous for what you could see.

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