Dear Future Boyfriend

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Whoever you are,
I hope that you are okay
I never meant for you read about me this way

Whoever I have been before

I just want to tell you that I'm okay

Yes I'm still wondering who can love me like you

But I guess in time

Love will bring us through.

Dear Future Boyfriend,

Taking in the world around me I realized on thing. You sometimes never know people by just looking at them, the happiest person could be the one who cries themselves to sleep. The loudest person probably has the most silent cries in their mind. The people you think you know, well they have a whole story going on inside their head.

Recently I discovered that well, the person i thought was my best friend is probably only my friend now because no one is genuine enough to be friends with me, or so she thinks. And because well I would give her anything.

The people I thought I'd like well, I only liked them for one reason. They covered the truth with a lie and made it beautiful, which I couldn't see past and even if I could I wouldn't want to because the truth hurts.

The person I was is a mere image of who I am supposed to be, it is the stage. One of the stages of life that I have to go through to find the real me.

The persons who bullied and made fun of me, they only did it because they were simply hurt and needed some way to express it.

I guess the world is a crazy and delusional place where we all live and try to find our meanings and purpose but we aren't going to find it by labeling others, bullying them, hurting them. We do it by being ourselves.




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