Dear Future Boyfriend #10

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Dear Future Boyfriend,

I asked Theo if he knew who Ed Sheeran was, he gave a bright smile with a British Accent saying 'I have no clue' I laughed at him before I can say anything else.

After the incident with Lola they left me alone. I no longer get bullied but I still get pestered in class. Once I tried to tell Theo that hanging with me will only tarnish his reputation and he looked at. me with a smile before saying 'so what? no one cares' I gave him a small smile but still didn't want that to happen to him.

Alex took me out for ice cream today and I told him about Theo. He smiled a huge bright before saying 'I like that guy. You are allowed to date him' but somehow even though he had that smile and the excitement I could tell he was a bit jealous.

I ran into Lola at Target yesterday, she told me to leave Theo alone or she will hurt me where it matters most. To be honest I don't think she knows who matters most.


And if I don't know who you are then how can she.

Yours Truly
Your Future Girlfriend

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