Dear Future Boyfriend #4

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Dear Future Boyfriend,

What's the best day of your life so far?

When I was ten mom took me and Johnny to the amusement park. Johnny is my older brother. It was my first time being there. I explored drifting away from my family and eventually got lost. I sat on one of the benches and laughed even though I wanted to cry. I haven't cried in a while...There was this guy, he was 16 he came up to me and asked if I'm OK. I told him I lost my mom. He looked at me with bright blue eyes and a smile then said "so why are you laughing. If it were me I'd be crying like there's no tomorrow" I laughed a bit and said "I like to makes me feel comfortable. I don't cry because I know my brother will find me". He looked at me and smiled calling me a brave girl. We spent all day looking for my mom and brother but still he would let me go on rides. He was kind. Before the day ended he took me to get something to eat. I met my mom there. I sat talking to Blue Eyed Alex. That's what I called him. My mom spotted me and she thanked Alex. I kept in contact with him. He's six years older than me... He's 24 now and I still talk to him. I call him my brother. Anyway Alex and I we went on the rollercoaster for the big kids because that was what I wanted. As we reached the top he started to scream like a little girl. I laughed so much I forgot where we were. When we got off he made me promise never tell anyone at first I told him I make no promises then he carried me by a clown. I ran away then told him I promised.

That was my best day so far

Yours Truly
Your Future Girlfriend

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