Dear Future Boyfriend #5

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Dear Future Boyfriend,

Have you ever been bullied?

Today at lunch I sat by myself because Lola called me a hypocrite.... She said I was pretending to be someone I'm not so I left her alone. I don't need her.

I ate my burrito and Amber, the school's bully she approached me. I was scared for life. She pulled me by my hair and dragged me out into the hallway. She forced me to take her home work and do it.... I played brave and told her no. She slammed my head to the locker. I laughed in pain, it only made her more aggravated. Her friends started to beat me up until I said yes. I took the book and ran to the bathroom. I washed my bloody face and left school. I went home and tried to cry. It didn't work. So I just sat and stared at the came home and saw me. She called Alex. I had to beg him not to go to the school. Before he left he turned to me and said

"if this happens again don't stop me"

I looked at him and frowned after he left I looked down and said.

'From now on this is going to happen to me'

All Alone,

Your Future Girlfriend

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