Dear Future Boyfriend

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I have probably spent an eternity trying to figure out what I'm going to write to you, how I am going to write it to you and why I will be writing to you.

Dear Future Boyfriend,

Life is nothing but a masked truth. Its a beautiful lie. It is also I guidance counselor to most of us who lives, it sends people to bring us through tough times, it removes the ungrateful persons who only causes us damage and it keeps all those who are meant to be a part of our life.

Unfortunately or rather should I say fortunately it did the same for me, when I was drowning life took me up, life helped me see past the bad and look into the good. Life brought me the music that got me through the black hole in my life, it helped me open my eyes and realized that in some sense I deserve to live. And even though I don't know what you're going through, you do as well.

Your Future Girlfriend

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