Dear Future Boyfriend

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Do you ever wish that you could throw away the bad memories?

Dear Future Boyfriend,

I got in a fight with you. Yes I said you. Even though you're not my boyfriend yet..... Yet.

I sat looking at television, you came to visit. The usual. I smiled at you with my usual greeting of a 'hey!'. You frowned though. I was confused and asked what's up. Your expression just stayed there for a while before talking.

"When was the last time Amber and her friends ganged up against you?" I swallowed nervous to answer you

"Aleah when was the last time" you asked Again more deeming this time

"Um yesterday" I tugged at my jacket

"Why didn't you tell me yesterday Aleah?" you asked. I didn't have the answer so I just stared.

"This crap can't happen any longer" you said pacing up and down the room

"Alex and what are you going to do about it....because you're in college and I'm finishing school" I asked slightly frustrated but still admired by you

"I'll find something because I can't stand here doing nothing while everyone bullies you" I sighed going against it would be wrong but I had to say it

"YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT ALEX!!" I shouted at you even though I didn't mean to

"Yeah and why is that??!!" you shouted back at me but less aggressive that I did

"Because no one will listen!! I've been trying to get this to stop for the longest while. What makes you think that you can actually make a difference?" I say knowing that I hit a spot

"Well for once I'm trying Aleah, you can't stand here while everyone pushes you around. YOU'RE EIGHTEEN, FOR FUCKSAKE YOU CAN'T HAVE EVERYONE PUSH YOU AROUND" he shouted the last part

"Don't swear and Alex you can't do anything about it" I said calmly

"Don't be too sure on yourself" You walked out slamming the door. I sighed. I left you in a mood didn't I?


Your Future Girlfriend

Dear Future BoyfriendWhere stories live. Discover now