Dear Future Boyfriend #7

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Dear Future Boyfriend

Is all well? I finally went back to school today. I graduate in two months. I can't wait to go out to college I just can't. I'm thinking maybe I would meet you there? Hey one question. What's your dream?

When I was 15 Johnny went hiking... I lost him that day. I spent the night by Alex. He had to be in bed early because he had college the following day. Johnny was wayy older than Alex but still trusted him to take care of me.
I sat on the couch looking at television, wondering what Johnny was doing or where he was... 'Don't worry' Alex told me with a smile 'He'll be back before we know it' he way always like that. Alex would make you feel comfortable in the deadliest of situations with just a smile. I looked at my phone hoping my mom would call and at least tell me what's going on. It was three in the morning and Alex woke me up "hey can I disturb you?" he asked not wearing his smile, I knew then something was wrong "yes" I groaned looking at him "Johnny fell" all I could do was sigh. I exhaled deeply before going back to sleep where in my head I screamed all night.

From then I had one dream…to climb that mountain and make it to the top. To prove that I can do it


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