Dear Future Boyfriend #14

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Dear Future Boyfriend,

What's the most embarrassing thing that's ever happened to you so far?

I'd probably say when Lola and I were friends. I sat on the edge of the little lake by the park. Waiting for Alex. It was recent, a month after my birthday. Lola sat with me and we had been talking and laughing. The topic of this conversation was know Alex.
I smiled a tad bit while she kept blabbering about it. I won't lie, back then we were pretty close. She was the person I'd tell everything to. She started talking about Alex's new girlfriend Emma about how she was oblivious to the fact that Alex was my first kiss. How her boyfriend cheated on her.
"Its not cheating if he likes you and not her" Lola laughed
"Goddamn Lola its bloody cheating" I giggled
"You know very well he was just confessing his feelings, he was not cheating" she insisted
"Wacka doodle Lola, What Blue Eyed Alex did was wrong" I stuck my tongue out at her
"And what I'm gonna do here is wrong" she says dragging me in the lake. I screamed, hell I screamed a lot. She dragged me until I was fully wet and ran out, since she stood and dragged me only her legs were wet from the water. I laid in the lake regaining my voice before shouting 'Blood hell Lola. If I live I'm. gonna kill you" I got up to see Alex there with a smug expression on his face. Lola, well she left.

Well played Lolita Maria Angelo

I looked at Alex. completely embarrassed before he pointed out worse. I looked at my jersey, holy chestnut it was white. I laughed being completely embarrassed with Alex right in front of me.

it was my first time being embarrassed and it will be the most embarrassing moment for a while

Yours Truly
Your Future Girlfriend

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