Dear Future Boyfriend #6

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Dear Future Boyfriend,

I know its been a while but how are you? Last week I went to the hospital.... My bullying continued. Amber hit me for forgetting her work. I was fine until she made her minions beat me up also. I took the pain and passed out as I got home. Luckily Alex came over.

I woke up in a hospital with a very disappointed Alex by my side. I passed for 4 days... he got upset with me because I didn't tell him I was continuously being bullied. I apologized but he didn't want to hear it

I guess now I have to try to be a better person.

Remember Theo? He came to see me yesterday. Asked if I was okay. I said I was fine but I won't be in school for a while.

I finally did thank him

But I really wish you were here to protect me

Your Future Girlfriend

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