Dear Future Boyfriend

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Dear Future Boyfriend,

I'm a little fangirl, so story time.

It was probably in 2008, I discovered/ started discovering certain types of music and bands. Around that time I became familiar with certain bands like Fall Out Boy and My Chemical Romance. The Ghost of You was probably my favorite song at the time, I don't know why, probably because of my uncle dying at that time. Either way, I remember at that time thought everyone had been my friend. In my mind I was friendly to everyone.

So there was one day I was heading to school. I was very happy at that time because my mom had just gotten married to a guy who I have now came to hate but that's not the point. Little me, had been making her way to school, I was oblivious to the fact that what I listened to was not considered normal music, still now. Anyone who listens to my music as much as do then its obvious something is wrong with them. So when I got in class listening to this MCR (My Chemical Romance) song and a girl heard she made fun of me. I remember that it didn't affect me because at the end of the day they couldn't tell me what to listen to. That was how I came about being bullied.

A few months/years after that Teenagers by MCR played on the radio. I probably pushed a girl down in the feild because she was singing it after I was bullied for a few years because I listened to them. Anyone who had made fun of me for listening to them as a matter of fact I made sure that they regretted making fun of me, so yes I did push a few of them down. And terribly enough I did enjoy it. God no one knows how much I enjoyed pushing people for listening to MCR and FOB. But actually it wasn't for bullying sake, I only did it to the ones who bullied and made fun of me plus they would only get pushed if they like sang it in my face. I think that's what made them hurt me more....but in that moment then and now I don't regret anything.

Your Future Girlfriend

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