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"I'm sorry......"




Please stop...


"STOP!!" Minho startled awake, sweat trickling down his neck and forehead, soaking everything. Same nightmare, same pattern. Fall asleep, terror, and then, sweat. Never off the beaten path for Minho. He doesn't even consider falling back to sleep at this point; it's only going to lead him back into the terrible subconscious that loves to torture him.

Minho decided to get up and grab a glass of water. The dorm room wasn't large, like many other rooms. Most rooms have two occupants, but with his reputation, Minho had no takers to his offer of a roommate, very shocking, I know. Grabbing the water jug out of the fridge, he poured the water into a small glass, slowly letting the cold liquid trickle down his parched throat, before grabbing his shoes, heading out the doorway, deciding on a midnight walk through the Gravenrose Forest.

As he was walking out of the dorms, Minho got distracted. One thing that never stopped in the alpha sector was parties. You could be up at 2 in the morning or 6, and you'd hear the same music and noise every minute of the night. Minho considered pounding on the doors, but with his nightmares, the music was a comfort. Walking down the front hall, Minho made his way down to the grass outing in front of the dorm hall.

"Ah, finally, some silence." Minho thought.

"You think you deserve the peace of mind?" As you can see, Minho's wolf is still a little bit upset at Minho for his actions. Yes, Minho's wolf was concerned for the boy; he was slowly but surely turning into an insomniac, potentially harming Minho in the future. Yet, Minho had lived with these problems for years, and he still had such a complex that he felt obligated to hurt other wolves, especially the ones he's supposed to protect.

"Ugh, didn't I tell you to leave me alone, puff?" Minho had several nicknames for his wolf, but for some reason, "puff" was his favorite. It was petty but also lighthearted at the same time.

"You know my name, asshole, but fine, if something happens, you're on your own." Minho's wolf, known as Lee Know, started to get fed up with his other half. They are supposed to work together as partners, but Minho has refused multiple different times to accept his wolf. Your wolf is the one other being that knows who you are inside and out. Hell, your wolf defines you, and Minho has decided to dismiss the most important aspects of himself because of his upbringing. 

But there was no way for Lee Know to separate from Minho, so he just had to live with the young male's constant stupidity. Walking towards the forest, Minho stopped. There was someone else walking in the same direction, and it wasn't anyone he was familiar with; it seemed to be a boy. He seemed small, tired, and sort of anxious about their surroundings.

Ashes and Roses {Minsung}Where stories live. Discover now