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" surprise..."

Jisung woke up to the sound of Minho mumbling. The boy noticed the alpha was writhing, almost like he was having a bad dream. Jisung walked over to Minho and touched the alpha's forehead. He wasn't hot, but Jisung's cool hands seemed to calm Minho.

Jisung then went to his bathroom to freshen up and mentally practice speaking to Minho once he woke up. Drunk and sober Minho were two different people, and Jisung barely had control over talking to the drunk one. He hoped that Minho would feel different after their activities last night and that Minho wouldn't scream at him. Jisung hoped for change. 

Looking at himself in the mirror, Jisung's eyes widened in shock as he noticed some large bruises on his neck. Hickeys. Jisung silently cursed drunk Minho for being so careless as to leave marks on Jisung's skin. Seeing Jisung with hickeys might not be the best way for Minho to wake up from his drunk state. 

Not wanting to upset Minho, Jisung went to his closet in hopes of finding a large sweatshirt to put on. Luckily, Felix and Chan had been helping with the house chores, so Jisung's laundry was clean and nicely placed in his closet. He chose a large oversized black sweatshirt that fell to his mid-thigh and a pair of black shorts. He didn't bother doing his hair or anything, as he planned to stay home all day. 

"Father....stop..." Jisung heard Minho mumbling again and rushed over to check on the alpha.

"No..please" Jisung tried to calm the sleeping Minho, but his attempts to restrain him only seemed to rile up Minho more. 

"NO!" Minho sat up with a start and unconsciously pushed Jisung away from him, making Jisung land on the floor painfully. 

"Ow, ow, ow, okay that hurt." Jisung sat on the floor rubbing his butt as he looked up at Minho in anger and a hint of sympathy. Minho's breath was ragged and his eyes scanned around quickly, trying to process his surroundings. He noticed Jisung sitting on the ground whining and got angry.

"Why the hell are you here?!" Jisung sighed in defeat as he stood up and motioned for Minho to get up. Minho got out of bed and pushed Jisung away from him, going to sit in his chair. Jisung looked at the alpha defeated and went to sit in his bed, trying to console his broken heart and tears again. 

"What makes you think you can be so close to me, omega? I've told you so many times, keep you're filthy, ugly self away from me." Jisung let his tears fall as Minho kept yelling at him. 

"You weren't like this last night," Jisung mumbled. Minho squinted his eyes at Jisung.

"What did you say?" Minho stood from his chair, slowly making Jisung lean against his headboard. 

"I said," Jisung sniffed, "that you weren't like this last night. You were completely fine with me being this close to you last night, so what's the difference now?" Jisung crossed his arms in comfort, just wanting the yelling to stop. 

"What does that even mean?" Minho stopped yelling but seethed as he asked Jisung his questions. Minho was so confused and wouldn't come here for no reason, so why was he here?

"Minho, what's the last thing you remember from last night?" Jisung watched as Minho closed his eyes and traced his night. 

"Having drinks at a friend's house. Then making out with this random girl." Hearing Minho's last sentence felt like a gut punch to Jisung, but he kept his facial expressions the same, hoping Minho wouldn't see the effect he was having on the boy. 

"So you don't remember coming here?" Minho shook his head. Jisung had enough. He couldn't be in the same room with Minho anymore. He needed a break from the alpha. Jisung stood up and went towards his bedroom door, with Minho following close behind. 

Ashes and Roses {Minsung}Where stories live. Discover now