"You don't understand!"

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Marlene sat shaking on Lilys sofa, her face stained with mascara tears and her long dark hair was messier, even more so than usual. Her breathing was fast and heavy, and she continued to shake her head muttering under her breath, but no matter how much Lily comforted her, Marlene would not talk. She had been sat like this for hours, when Lily had returned home with Harry, Marlene had been awaiting her, in this state.

 Lily had known Marlene since their first year at Hogwarts and usually Lily was the one in a state, Marlene was the funny, sarcastic friend. However things had changed drastically in the past year, since they had left Hogwarts. The war was raging and friends from The Order were disappearing faster than Lily could count.   

"Come on you know you can talk to me," Lily started, bouncing a joyful Harry on one of her knees to keep him from getting bored. His bright green eyes were full of innocence and Marlene couldn't bare to see them any longer. How she wished she could be that young again, back when things were simple.

"I just don't know what to do" Marlene started to speak for the first time since LIly had returned home, Lily was shocked, and quickly calmed Harry so she could hear Marlenes croaked voice.

 "I didn't know this would happen...It was just supposed to be sex, meaningless sex, why do things always get complicated Lily? Why couldn't me and Sirius just have some fun? Is it too much to ask?" Marlene broke down in front of a startled Harry and worried Lily. Lily quickly put Harry down for his nap and returned to Marlene,

"Keep talking, it might help?" Lily tried.

"No! You don't understand, nothing can help. Sirius is missing and I need him Lily! SO badly, I can't do this without him," Marlene fell onto Lily, getting black eye makeup over one of James' shirt that Lily was wearing.

"I know its hard, they've been gone for so long now but Remus said there were some new traces,and you know James and Sirius, they'll be back soon. We have to survive without them," But a silent tear fell down Lilys face, James hadn't returned home in so long, and she was getting more worried every day. However Lily was also shocked, she knew Marlene and Sirius were having sex, everyone did I mean they had been doing it since 5th year at Hogwarts. But they had always said there were never any feelings. Both of them denied feelings towards each other even if it had been obvious to everyone else they had always denied it, claiming it was a bit of fun. Hearing Marlene admit to something more had never happened before.

"So tell me about this then, you like Sirius?" Lily spoke cautiously, not wanting the subject to be brushed off as usual.

Marlene looked up at Lily and spoke quietly, Lily could barely hear her, "I don't know how I feel for him, all I know is I need him and it isn't lust, this is different to usual. The thought of him never returning makes my stomach clench, and the thought of him in pain hurts me too, and he has to come home," Tears streamed down her face.

"This is hard for us all Marl, James hasn't seen Harry for two months, not seen him walk or-" Marlene cut Lily off standing up and pacing the room.

"No you don't understand!" Marlene shouted at Lily across the room.

"Help me then Marl! Im doing my best but you're making it really difficult okay? What am I supposed to say that I haven't already?!" Lily screamed back.

"You're supposed to know!"

"KNOW WHAT?!" Lily screamed at Marlene, "Jesus you're so difficult, I can't read minds you kno-" Lily was cut off again,

"You were supposed to notice," Marlene said in a quiet voice.

"Notice that you liked Sirius? We all did back when we were 12 Marl!" LIly exclaimed exasperated with her friend.

"No! You were supposed to notice that I'm pregnant! I'm having a baby Lily and its Sirius' and he doesn't even know!" Marlene collapsed to the floor, a bundle of tears.

Lily pulled her friend up the stairs and into the spare room, and calmed her friend down. Slowly Marlene stopped crying and looked up at Lily,

"He doesn't even know that in seven months he is going to have a child, and I don't evem know if he would ever want to be involved but he better, because I can't do this on my own Lily, you know I can't. Its almost comical, Marlene and Sirius having a baby. Why Lily, why us?"


And with that Marlene broke down crying, and any chances of Sirius returning seemed hopeless.

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