Skinny Dipping

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what about a request where the marauders (mostly jily & blackinnon) have a bet going & losers have to swim in the black lake after curfew? Anndddd eventually get caught by McGonagall, cause who doesn't love McGonagall? xx

"I'm telling you now Mckinnon, you are not going skinny dipping in the lake with the others there." Sirius said, folding his arms across his chest firmly.

"And what on Earth are you going to do to stop me? You can't control me Black, if I want to go skinny dipping, I'm going skinny dipping." She said angrily. "Why are you so bothered anyway?"

Sirius shifted his weight slowly and looked awkwardly away from Marlene blushing slightly. It was late on a Friday night during the Christmas holidays at Hogwarts and the Marauders had all agreed to stay for their last Christmas together, well that's what they liked to tell themselves but in reality the war was getting more and more dangerous, and it was just safer to stay at Hogwarts. The marauders had been having lots of fun over the holidays, causing havoc at every opportunity however the holidays were drawing to an end. At the start of the holiday James and Sirius had bet Marlene and Lily that they could go the whole Christmas holidays without having sex. Marlene and Lily could not believe such an absurd claim, and had made the bet without even thinking about it, Remus had even joined in on their side. However the boys had proved the girls wrong, for the first time and it was their turn to take the plunge into the icy waters of the lake for loosing.

Marlene looked at him carefully trying to understand why he wouldn't want her to do this. "You said because the others are there? What do you think's going to happen?"

Sirius groaned. "Please can we not have this argument?"

"We don't have to argue. Just tell me why you suddenly think you have permission to tell me what I can and can't do, and we will be absolutely fine." She smiled sarcastically, both of them knowing full well that there was going to be an argument, there always was.

"You're right."

"What?" Marlene said in disbelief, not being able to fathom what Sirius had just said. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Mar, I'm not trying to control you, I said it wrong. I just don't want you to go skinny dipping." He shrugged.

She frowned. "You didn't mind last time?"

"That was different."


Sirius blushed again, and Marlene's frown deepened.

"Sirius, we haven't had sex for three whole weeks, I need some sort of excitement in my life before I rip your clothes off and-"

"Mar, don't, I didn't think you would actually make the bet!"

"I didn't think for a minute you would keep it, but you did and I have to do this, I don't get why you are being so difficult."

"I don't want.."

"You don't want what?"

"I don't want the rest of the boys to see you." He muttered, embarrassed.

Marlene slowly turned her head to look at a now bashful Sirius before grinning and pulling him closer to her. "Are you getting a little bit protective?"

Sirius looked at Marlene's cheeky smile, and the excitement now evident on her face before sighing. "Yes, I Sirius Black fully declare myself as a protective boyfriend. I do not want my best friends seeing my girlfriend naked, because I want her all to myself and I am also scared of how my body might react to seeing her naked after three whole weeks without sex." He said also grinning with his hands held up, as though he was claiming innocence.

"Oh so i'm your girlfriend now?" She laughed before kissing him. "Come on you nutter."

"So you aren't doing it?" Sirius asked her happily.

"Oh Merlin Black, of course I'm doing it. But you're coming in too, not fair of your friends to see me naked and my friends not to see you naked."

The group made their way down to the lake, trying to move quietly through the castle's grounds to the beach they knew couldn't be seen from the castle, so they were less likely to be caught.

Marlene was on Sirius' back, and the rest of the group followed them down, Lily, James, Remus, Peter, and Dorcas.

"Does anyone know how cold this water actually is?" Peter asked very seriously.

"I don't want anyone to get hurt.." He continued as he watched Remus roll a log out of the forest and Dorcas put a pile of firewood down before lighting it.

"Pete, don't worry." Lily said calmly taking a swing from the bottle of firewhiskey Marlene had carried down. "Marlene and Sirius have done this so many times before and we would class them as okay wouldn't we?" She said glancing over at the pair, Sirius now had Marlene on his front, they were laughing at something. "Actually don't answer that." She said frowning.

"Right, go on girls, you two for the longest, then Remus, then Dorcas, then Pete then Sirius and I. Because none of you believed in our ability to withhold our sexual urges." James said grinning, sitting by the fire to warm his hands.

Marlene slid off Sirius and pulled over jumper over her head. "You might not have had sex for three weeks James, but I'd bet another three weeks without sex that you've been doing the deed yourself for at least a week." She said, as she continued to take off her clothes in the cold Scotland air with Lily, taking a swing from the bottle. When the pair were stood in only their underwear they turned to face the water before stripping out of their remaining clothes and holding hands as they ran into the lake that lay in front of them.

"Okay, I think the lake is about -4, so they can only be in for about two minutes, so everyone needs to strip now anyway, because if Mcgonagall finds us all dead with hypothermia, she will be so angry.."

The group messed around in the lake much longer than they should have, making much more noise than they should have, having way more fun in the icy waters than they should have, and so when Professor Mcgonagall came marching down through the clearing in the trees as they sat close to the fire, they weren't even sorry for causing havoc, or setting bad examples because they were having fun, and they were happy. And even Professor Mcgonagall smiled a little when they didn't protest to detentions,  because Merlin these kids needed a break.

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