Remus Still Remembered

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Remus looked down at the picture in his hands.

The photograph showed Remus, Dorcas, Lily, James, Alice, Sirius, Marlene, Frank, Emmeline and Peter, it had been taken at Marlene and Sirius' apartment, during a celebration.

Remus still remembered the night vividly, even though the vast amounts of firewhiskey consumed. He had received an owl from Marlene and Sirius earlier that day, asking Remus and Dorcas to come round to theirs later, they had news or something, there would be others there and so on, the usual message they sent if there were no events to celebrate but they wanted to have everyone round.

Remus still remembered how he and Dorcas had stood on the doorstep, and little Doe turned to Remus and said, "I thought Marlene and Sirius had broken up again?"

Remus still remembered Marlene opening the door to them both howling with laughter, after they had joked about Marlene and Sirius' relationship and some other stupid thing, but any chance to laugh was gladly accepted in those days, and laughing felt so good.

Remus still remembered sitting with his friends, drinking firewhiskey and Marlene's vodka. He was sat quietly in the corner, as he watched everyone be themselves.

Remus still remembered Marlene sat on Sirius' lap, a very strong drink in one hand that both her and Sirius were drinking from because everyone knew that those pair could outdrink any of them anyday, her teasing him in her tight black pencil skirt that she knew drove him round the bend and eye contact with Emmeline across the room when they both knew what she was waiting for.

Remus still remembered Sirius with the blonde on his lap, the only girl who could play him at his own game, and he loved it so much, with his records on in the background and his leather jacket over the arm of the chair in his element.

Remus still remembered James chatting away about quidditch with Emmeline, holding hands with the redhead that he loved more than he could ever explain, answering questions about quidditch that he had answered hundreds of times before to the girls, but never got sick of answering and talking about his mother and father because they were still fresh in his memory and he couldn't believe they were gone just yet.

Remus still remembered Emmeline laughing loudly at James spilling his drink on himself, and rolling her eyes, making sarcastic comments to everyone and stealing the bottle of vodka that Marlene had stashed under the chair Sirius was sat on, that Marlene didn't know was gone yet and asking to order pizza and making eye contact with Marlene waiting for Mary to walk through that door because there wasn't anyone Emmeline missed more than Mary at times like these when everyone was with someone, well apart from Peter but he didn't count and she couldn't quite believe that things were changing.

Remus still remembered Lily jumping into and out of conversations with James and Emmeline and occasionally Dorcas, because she didn't understand all of the quidditch talk, only some of it, and when Sirius would drag her into his arguments with Marlene that she would quickly diffuse because they were both so goddamn stubborn, before being chatted to by Alice and Frank, who would ask her to pour more drinks because they were both so clumsy and didn't want to spill any more on Marlene's sofa, but "Don't even worry about it Alice, I've done things to Marlene on that sofa tha-", Lily interrupting Sirius because, "We just do not need to know Sirius."

Remus still remembered Alice laughing and being so grateful for her friends, playing with Emmelines long blonde hair as she sat in front of her, never quite able to sit still as she threw bits of paper at Sirius when he stared at Marlene for a little too long but she loved it, and she crossed her legs and agreed with Emmeline, yes they should so order pizza, and who cares if she already ate pizza today.

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