Supermarket Flowers (Meadowpin)

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I took the supermarket flowers from the windowsill,

Remus wandered aimlessly around his apartment, slowly starting to remove the flowers littered about the rooms, the cards and gifts he had been given after news had spread. He took a large bouquet of Lilies from the windowsill, sent by Lily herself, with a note from her and James sending their love, and reminding him if he needed anything all he needed to do was call. But Remus hadn't even replied to the message, too tired, too lonely, too sad.

Threw the day-old tea from the cup,

He finally started to clear away her things, her half drank cup of tea that had been forgotten about, picking up her jacket from the back of the chair, clearing away the pile of books in the kitchen that she would read while he cooked.

Packed up the photo album Matthew had made,

Sorting through her things felt good, at last Remus started to cry. He cried when he found her favourite jumper still smelling like her. He had wrapped it in cloth and sent it with an owl to Lily straight away, knowing that she would love to have it, and knowing he didn't need to send any note with it. He found her Hogwarts books and quills, all kept neatly in an old trunk. He found a photo album, the last birthday present she had ever received before he died last Christmas, only a few months previously. He cried looking through her childhood photos, her recent photos and her teenage photos where he had known her so well but still loved to remind himself of her smile.

Memories of a life that's been loved.

Took the get well soon cards and stuffed animals,

Remus gathered the cards into two piles, before and after. The get well soon cards that had been few and far between yet there were a couple scattered about, that had found their way back to their apartment from St Mungo's where Remus had slept waiting for her to recover. The teddies that she had been sent by Marlene knowing nothing would cheer her up more than a cuddle with a new teddy, even though she was no longer a child.

Poured the old ginger beer down the sink,

Removing all memories of her was easier now, that he was already on a roll. After removing her clutter and sorting her clothes Remus realised one of the hardest things was separating her food and his food, her collection of cookies and sweets versus his abundance of chocolate. Her ginger beer that he hated so much, tonnes of the stuff. He had sent some on to Marlene knowing that it would be all she needed to remember her dear friend, but had sent the rest down the drain knowing nobody else would love it as much as she had.

Dad always told me, "don't you cry when you're down,"

Looking back on his childhood Remus didn't consider it difficult anymore, not in comparison to the last few years, full of battles, full of sadness, full of futility. Remus' father had always encouraged his bravery, "there's no need to be sad son, we work with what we've got." Always reminding him he was good enough, though it had never worked wonders and Remus had always felt afraid.

But mum there's a tear every time that I blink.

He sat alone now, on the kitchen floor, back where he has started, some time later with a few scattered remains of ginger beer, jumpers, glasses, pictures and her wand. Her beautiful wand all woven and delicate, perfect for the gentle thing that had been Dorcas Meadows. Remus felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to find Lily and Marlene, who gently kneeled down beside him and looked through his collection. Remus couldn't hold back his tears anymore, they streamed down his battered face, unable to hold in the grief.

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