Just one yesterday

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"Merlin Marlene, are we supposed to just go on like this?" Sirius had been saying to the tall brunette just yesterday.

He now sat with his head in his hands in the Potter's' spare room, drowning his grief in firewhiskey, tears streaming down his face. Lily refused to let him leave, she was obviously worried, like she needed any more stress. God what he would do to have one more yesterday. One more day with her.

It wasn't even like their relationship had ended in a good way, Sirius had shouted at Marlene, but she had been acting weird. He knew why now. But now was too late.

"I'm bad news for you Black, you don't want what you think you want. Trust me!" She had shouted at him, her green eyes that he knew so well were sad and her shoulders drooped, her usual confidence was gone.

"What are you even talking about? Are you trying to say I don't know how fucked up this whole relationship is? Are you kidding me Mckinnon? You're trying to tell me the fact we have been shagging since fifth year, that's nearly five years now, and have never even tried to have a relationship isn't wrong? Are you going to tell me you haven't started to doubt our friends when they tell us that we are perfect for each other? Are you going to stand there and tell me you've never thought about us being more than this?" Sirius said in a defeated tone.

"Sirius please, don't do this, I'm too fucked up to try at all that stuff, we both know that. Don't ask me why but I just know I'm bad news."

But now he knew, oh how he wished he had the chance to redo yesterday, they way things had ended. Because as he sat on the bed thinking about everything, he knew the only thing that would cheer him up was her. But the thing is, she was all his problems.

Lily walked into the room, since having Harry the previous July she had dropped her usual healthy weight and was now much skinnier than before, Sirius noticed that her hair that was usually a beautiful auburn colour was now dull, her cheeks hollow and her eyes had lost their sparkle. She sank onto the bed next to him.

"Do you want to talk?" She whispered. She had always been sensitive, shielded by Marlene, ever since the first day at Hogwarts the pair had been best friends. Strong-willed, stubborn Marlene protecting Lily throughout the years. But she was gone now.

"I just wish I could speak to her, you know? I keep thinking she's going to walk in the room and laugh, with that cheeky smirk and one eyebrow raised. You know? She'd say something like 'better have saved some of that for me Black' and then she would down the rest of the bottle he said gesturing towards the firewhiskey. Then she'd order a pizza because god knows she loved pizza and she would know what toppings we would both have because she was the one who knew those things. She would stand there with Harry on her hip and he would be laughing his little head off because she just had a way with him," Sirius' voice cracked, and Lily continued.

"She would have your old leather jacket on, and those black jeans with her docs. Her hair just as messy as usual and eyeliner thick around her eyes. She would switch on some good music and tell me that I needed to fatten myself up. We would dance around the living room and then James would come home and we could all relax like we used to. She would talk us into something crazy and the whole time she would never stop laughing."

Sirius hugged Lily, as she tried to control her breathing.

"She would have told you, you know that right?" Lily whispered as she looked over her shoulder at a picture of her and Marlene the day Harry was born.

"I just wish she had. God knows I thought she was acting weird because she had a boyfriend or something.."He trailed off.

"Christ no Sirius, how many times do we have to tell you both that you are made for each other?"

"How far along was she Lily?" Sirius asked as he pulled back to look at her face.

"Three months"

Sirius closed his eyes and wished away the nightmare that had become reality.

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