"Truth or dare?"

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The Gryffindor common room was nearly empty, for it was Christmas Eve at Hogwarts and many had returned home for the holidays, however the marauders had made a universal pact to stay for their last Christmas at the school. The castle was decorated from top to bottom in excessive decorations as this year head girl Lily had been put in charge, and she loved Christmas, a lot. The group sat around the fire chatting happily about past Christmas' and the ones to come.  

Marlene sat with her legs sprawled over Sirius' lap laughing happily as he recalled his 7th Christmas, "Well you see in my house we had the cousins over every Christmas Day, and I remember hating it more than anything else because I mean who would want to spend Christmas with a bunch of psychos?!It's supposed to be a happy day, not the worst!" Laughter followed before Marlene shot back,

"Well Sirius, what on earth are you doing with us then?" a huge grin plastered on her mischievous face, she loved hearing about Sirius' pureblood upbringing, it was such a contrast to hers and he rarely opened up about it.

"Yeah I mean Marls is bloody mental" James replied, quickly regretting it as Marlene threw a chess piece that she had been fiddling with and it hit his right eye.

"Merlin Marlene! See what I mean?!"

Laughter echoed around the now empty common room, as it died down Peter chirped up,

"We should play truth or dare, like we did last summer! Remember?" His chubby little face lit up at the memories of the past summer and all the time the group had spent down by the lake.

"Now that could be the best thing you've suggested this week Pete," Remus agreed. "Everyone?" A chorus of eager replies followed before Remus jumped up to grab the bottle Sirius had been drinking from.

"Okay, everyone ready?" He spun the bottle and jumped back into the circle."Ah fuck," Marlene muttered as the bottle landed on her, "did someone jinx it already?" she joked before replying with, "Well it's obvious I'll go with dare" as sly grin spread across her face. "Okay, spinning it once more to see who gets to pick the dare.." The bottle spun around until finally landed on Lily, who looked like she had just been told Christmas would be happening every week. "Well, well, well Marls" Marlene's infamous eyebrow raised as she looked at her excited friend, "I dare you to down 3 shots of firewhiskey" she announced proudly.

 An hour later you would find a drunk Lily who could not stop hiccuping due to the amount of firewhiskey she had consumed, never mess with Marlene and alcohol, she will always win. Remus and Dorcas had been sent away after a dared kiss had started getting a little too heated in front of everyone's eyes,and now they were in the boys dorm doing much more than kissing. Marlene was sat in her bra and knickers, which she didn't care about at all but James was having way too much fun tormenting Sirius who was refusing to look at Marlene claiming that,

"If I can wank at the thought of her what in Merlin's name will I be like if she's naked in front of me and I can't-" quickly cut off by Lily when she thanked Sirius for sharing but

"We don't need to know any more than necessary about your sex life with Marlene." Marlene is yet to stop laughing. Peter was sent to "find the Ravenclaw common room, then get in, and then steal some more alcohol, we need it" by Sirius who couldn't believe Pete actually went to do it. James had chickened out and picked a truth and was forced to admit that he had once had a crush on Mccgonagall, "Never picking truth again" was all he could say.

 Lily picked up the bottle and spun it until it landed on Marlene, who wasn't even paying attention. Sirius had finally risked a glance at her and was regretting it, "Come on Mckinnon can we go find a broom cupboard?" He was whispering in her ear.

"Oi, sex maniacs" James shouted in disgust, "Marls it's your turn"

She turned to face the bottle, "Hm, I'll go with truth this time, mix things up a bit" Lily rolled her eyes and spun the bottle, it slowed and finally landed on Sirius.

"Okay Mckinnon, Your truth is to tell this lot when we first had sex" Sirius replied cockily. Marlene's face was at first shocked but she quickly recovered,

"As you wish Black, you're the one James is going to kill..." She was cut off by an interrupting James,

"What do you mean? It was at the end of last year when I woke up and went to pull Sirius' curtain open and found you both in there asleep" He said in distaste, shuddering at the memory.

The pair cast a knowing glance at each other before bursting out laughing, "Okay so James reckons the end of 6th year... Lily, what do you reckon?" Sirius asked, trying not to laugh unlike Marlene who was in hysterics beside him.

"God knows, last Christmas maybe?" Sirius couldn't hold in the laughter any longer, a bewildered James and concerned Lily watched as the duo tried to compose themselves. "Now you're both wrong, god Sirius we were a bit young really weren't we?"

That was all the pair needed before they were set off laughing again.

"Okay Lil, we have to work this out, guys shout up when you've stopped laughing..""Lets be realistic, not first or second year surely?"

"Lets just tell them Black, they'll never get it.." Marlene said with a smirk,

"Oi! I reckon we could, just tell us if we do, I'm not giving up before I've had a good guess!" James shot back.

"Okay, so Sirius hit puberty way too early for it to be fair," He started to guess.

"Same with Marls, started her period in first year, mental really.."

"Way, way, way too much information!" James repulsed, "So it could be anytime really?Oh go on, just tell me, but I'm telling you now if it was-"

"Ah calm down fussy pants," Marlene exclaimed before glancing back at Sirius, "So you remember that time we went to hogsmeade? The time when it snowed and we all had a huge snowball fight and James was trying to impress Lily so much he accidentally slipped and had to go to Madam Pomfrey?" Lily looked puzzled as ever, but Sirius swore he could see steam coming out of James' ears,

"Well everyone was too busy laughing at James or helping him up to the castle to notice me and Sirius sneak off..."

"Yeah, nobody noticed we were gone at all! I was having a shower when you came back remember? Marlene was sat on my bed the whole time you were in the room" and now Lily, Sirius and Marlene erupted in laughter.

"But that was in fourth year! And Marlene was going out with that guy in the year above!" an appalled James spoke, "Marls you were both like 14!"

"Yep..Have to live up to my title of 'Hogwarts biggest slut' don't I," She said before winking.

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